What do you think about meat

A healthy consumption of protein is essential for the development of the muscles, bones cartilage and blood. It is also instrumental to general growth, maintenance and repair of the body. One major source of protein is Meat. Meat, whether red or white, is composed mainly of water, protein, essential amino acids and fat, and essentially prevents zinc and iron deficiency in the body. 

Research shows that 40% of girls between 11 and 18 years of age and 23% of women between 19 and 64 years have low iron intakes, leading to anemia (symptoms could be fatigue, headache, inability to concentrate and touchiness. 

Meat is a great source of vitamin B12, selenium, phosphorus, thiamine, biotin, pantothenic, folacin, iron, copper, manganese, among others. Red meat, for instance, contains vitamins B6, which is vital for normal immune function and helps to regulate blood sugar level; and B12, a building block for red blood cells and the DNA inside the cells. It is also rich in iron, a component responsible for the metabolism of energy, cognitive development in children, formation of red blood cells and transportation of oxygen in the blood. The body cell can't survive without iron. 

However, caution must be taken when consuming meat. High consumption of red meat in particular can lead to a high production of uric acid, which causes gout (a metabolic disease marked by a painful inflammation ). Medical experts say the high level of iron in red meat could tell on a person's health as he ages, though the case is not the same for children who are still growing. They caution all adults to eat meat modestly for the sake of their health.

We hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you some good idea about what you need to know about Meat. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.


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