Interview Process

The interview process is a great opportunity to learn about each applicant’s personal and professional skills. It is generally recommended to schedule an interview with at least three candidates in total, and preferably with one that is towards the higher end of the spectrum in terms of experience. 

This gives you a baseline to judge the others by.
  • Talk About Relevant Experience: Ask each applicants how much knowledge they have about your industry/organization. If you have unique challenges that need attention, be sure to discuss them early in the interview as well.
  • Ask about Actual Processes : Learning how the applicant processes will give you a lot of insight into their ability to handle the tasks ahead.
  • Present a Real-World Scenario: Ask specific questions about your business/service that require a solution. By putting each applicants on the spot, you’ll have a better idea of how they respond to pressure.
  • Measure your Comfort Levels : While each applicant’s skill levels are important, you ultimately want someone to build a professional relationship with. So don’t be afraid to get to know him/her a little bit. 
Hopefully, after the first round of interviews are completed, you’ll have a good idea of which applicant makes the most sense for your business/service. If you’re still not sure though, feel free to conduct a second round of interviews to ask follow-up questions or to explore a relationship with other applicants.

We hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you some good idea about interview process. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.

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