How to deal with infections that may affect both the mother and baby during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a normal and healthy state that many women aspire to at some point in their lives. However, pregnancy can make women more susceptible to certain infections. Pregnancy may also make these infections more severe. Even mild infections can lead to serious illness in pregnant women. Some infections that occur during pregnancy primarily pose a risk to the mother. Other infections can be transmitted to the baby through the placenta or during birth. When this occurs, the baby is at risk for health complications as well.

Here’s a list of infections in pregnancy you should be careful about; hepatitis B and C, urinary track infection, sexually transmitted disease, chicken pox, genital herpes, and rubella. Some infections that develop during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, preterm labour, or birth defects. They may even be life-threatening for the mother. To complicate matters, the medications used to treat infections can cause serious side effects, especially for the baby. It’s important to try to prevent infections in pregnancy to minimize risks to both mother and baby.

Why are pregnant women more susceptible to infection?
  • Changes in immune system.
  • Changes in body system. 
How to prevent infections in pregnancy
Infections in pregnancy are preventable. Taking small, everyday precautions can go a long way in reducing possible harm to you and your baby. To help prevent infections during your pregnancy, you should:
  • If possible, get yourself immunized to the infections before conceiving.
  • Keep a track on symptoms and get a checkup done on a regular basis.
  • Avoid sexual contact with your partner if he is infected.
  • Make sure that your doctor doesn’t use instruments and syringes that have been used previously on an infected person.
  • Since your immunity is low stay alert. You can do this by boiling foods at high temperature, drinking clean water, washing hands thoroughly after touching animals, etc.
  • Don’t consume unpasteurized, or raw, dairy products.
  • Don’t share eating utensils, cups, and food with other people.Choose a type of antibacterial antibiotic what would work best against the specific bacteria that has caused you infection in pregnancy.
  • If you are suffering from urinary tract infection, drink ample of water. If the infection persists for more than two days, consult your doctor immediately.

We do hope that you now have a clear idea about various infections that can occur during pregnancy. Take care of your health and prevent yourself from being infected.
We wish you a safe delivery and a healthy baby! Do share your experiences with us in the comment box below.


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