4 ways to overcome insecurity in your marriage

One of the main reasons for feeling insecure in a marriage is the loss of self-esteem. If your spouse is busy and is unable to give you sufficient time it could invite trouble. You may feel that you are not good enough for your spouse, and he/she is doing you a favour by being with you. These thoughts are extremely negative, not just for you but for the marriage. Below are some tips that can help you against such negativity.

1). Communication
One of the worst things that sets off insecurity in marriages is the lack of communication. Instead of letting it affect your marriage, make sure you communicate your feelings and emotions honestly. Remember that not everyone will think and feel the same way about a situation.

2). Trust
Trust is a big thing, and you must learn to build it. When you lose faith and trust in your spouse, you doubt him for every thing. This begins the cycle of mistrust, doubt, and insecurities in a marriage. Unless you have had any reason to doubt your spouse in the past, stay away from from such thoughts.

3). Assumption
One of the first things you would do when you feel insecure in marriage is to imagine what your spouse may be thinking. This is a bad habit, because not only would you add negative thoughts in your head, but also not communicate your feelings to him. Instead of confronting your spouse about issues that concern you, you would start thinking about what your partner meant with that text, call or how your spouse's tone changed while speaking to you and what it could have meant. There could be one or two reasons for this. May be he was busy or forgot to respond or did not feel the need to respond. Just because there was no reply, does not mean that he is ignoring or avoiding you.

4). Perfect marriage
No marriage is perfect. Therefore, thinking that you can create one for yourself is like living in a dream. More often, arguments are common in a marriage. Nevertheless, they present some advantages. They help you to see better from your spouse's view. You may not have to agree with one another, but you can respect your spouse's point of view. Chasing after a perfect marriage can cost you your current happiness. After all, everyone has a bit of positive and negative.

We do hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you some good idea about how you could overcome insecurity in your marriage. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.


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