Things you Must discuss with your Partner before it gets Too Late

Getting married or moving in with your partner is a major life decision. It requires a lot of thought and preparation. Prior to making the leap, you should again think if you are getting along great with your partner and that you are not feeling pressurised to take the next step. There are a few things you must discuss with your would-be partner for life. Doing so creates a better understanding between the two and minimises the problems that may otherwise pop up later.

It is extremely important that your expectations match with that of your partner. If you are unsure about their expectations from you, you must take time out for the discussion. You should only go ahead when you both share the same expectations and feel confident in the relationship’s future. What it is that you are looking for in your partner and what qualities they expect in you are key questions that need to be discussed beforehand.

House Chores
Small things can create big misunderstandings. Division of household labour is one of those things that shouldn’t be overlooked. Decide on who will do what and when. You can tell them what all things you would like to take up. You can make a schedule of what, when and how to keep things simple. When you feel confident on spending rest of your life with your partner, you will have to adjust to each other's living habits and schedule.

Work–life balance can sometimes become difficult; and balancing work and family can become even harder. Talk to your partner about how committed you are about your career and ask them the same. Discuss how your respective careers will affect family life and what kind of personal sacrifices you may have to make to reach your career goal, if need be.

You must know your family's partner well, how much time he/she spends with the family and how much you expect to spend with them. You must talk about how much time you expect your spouse to spend with them, and vice-versa?

You may agree with your partner on many things, but have you discussed about children yet? You should talk to your partner about your take on children. If you do want kids, when do you want to have your first, and how many?

Where do you want to stay? Do you want to be somewhere with plenty of work opportunities or do you have a desire to be closer to family? How would you rank the location in terms of importance of raising kids? You need to discuss the location aspect before it is too late. Find out if getting a new place together is the best for you too.

Sharing bank accounts can make/break relationships. You must discuss beforehand if you will share a bank account or keep individual accounts. You need to sit on it for a detailed discussion.


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