Second hand smoke

Second-hand smoke is the smoke we breathe when we are with smokers. This smoke is harmful – both to non-smokers AND smokers.
  •  Second-hand smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and at least 50 of them can cause cancer.
  • Heart disease is more common in non-smokers who live with smokers. 
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia is more common in children who live with smokers.
  • Children, especially babies, who live with smokers have more colds, more chest infections and more ear infections.
  • Children who have asthma or allergies have more health problems when they live with smokers.
Second-hand smoke contains more carbon monoxide and  a solid residual byproduct of tobacco smoke (tar) than the smoke inhaled directly by the smoker! This puts your health at greater risk.
  • It also contains more ammonia, benzene, and several other dangerous chemicals.
  • Lower tar and lower nicotine cigarettes are not safer, as they release the same amount of toxic chemicals in the air.
Second-hand smoke also affects babies before they are born. Smokers have a higher chance of having miscarriages, stillbirths, premature babies and smaller babies at birth. So, even if we don’t smoke, we still need smoke-free work-places, restaurants, bars and other public places.


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