5 Health benefits of Moringa leaves/seeds.

Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. It contains 13 species from tropical and subtropical climates that range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees. Below are some of the health benefits of Moringa leaves/seeds.

Lower blood sugar level
According to a study published in 2014 moringa seeds may help lower levels of blood sugar that would provide therapeutic management of diabetes.

Lower blood pressure
Although there are several researches that show moringa can lower blood pressure level, however it is always advisable to consult your physician before you go for it.

Aid sleep
If you are struggling with sleep disorders, you can seek help from moringa leaves or seeds as both are equally nutritious as well effective in aiding sleep.

Lower cholesterol level
As you probably know that too much cholesterol in the blood has been linked to heart diseases. Consumption of moringa seeds on regular basis can help you lower cholesterol levels, thereby, reducing your chances of developing heart problems. As per a study published in the online journal of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), moringa plant may help reduce cholesterol levels.

Treat constipation
Moringa seeds are rich in saturated fibre, thus, consumption of these seeds do a great job of moving food, along with improving your digestion. You can get rid of all your digestive problems with moringa seeds.

We hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you great idea on how Moringa leaves/seeds can keep your health disorders at bay. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.


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