Arthritis: the natural cure

In a nutshell, arthritis simply means inflammation of joints. It usually develops gradually over several months with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints. Ultimately, the whole body is affected. Arthritis assumes various forms, the most frequent being osteroarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms include anaemia, colitis, constipation, gall-bladder disturbances, low blood pressure, deformed hands and feet. Inflammation is the main feature of arthritis, which is a reaction of the joint tissues to some form of damage or injury.

1). The diet of the arthritis patient should be planned along alkaline lines and should include fruits and vegetables for protection and proteins and carbohydrates for energy. It may consist of a couple of fresh raw vegetables in the form of a salad and atleast two cooked vegetables. Cabbage, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, onion, radishes, tomatoes and watercress may be used for a raw salad. The cooked vegetables may include asparagus, beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, mushroom, onions, peas, beans, spinach, tomatoes, squash and turnips.

2). In severe cases, it will be advisable to put the patient on raw vegetables juice therapy for about a week. Green juice, extracted from any green leafy vegetable, mixed with carrot, celery and red beet juice, is specific for arthritis. The alkaline action of raw juices dissolves the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues. 

3). Fresh pineapple is also valuable as the enzyme in fresh pineapple juice, bromelain reduces swelling and inflammation in osteroarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Repeated juice fasts are recommended at intervals of every two months.

4). Black gingerly seeds, soaked overnight in water, have been found to be effective in preventing frequent joint pains. The water in which the seeds are soaked should also be taken along with the seeds the first thing in the morning. Drinking water kept overnight in a copper container also serves the same purpose. This water has traces of copper which helps strengthen the muscular system. For the same reason wearing a copper ring or bracelet will also help.

5). Sea bathing is considered beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. The natural iodine in the sea water is said to relieve arthritis pain. How does it work? Iodine regulates the acid-alkaline balance in the blood and tissues, helps to repair and regenerate worn out tissues and nourishes the skeletal structure. It enters into the thyroid gland’s secretion. The hormone uses this iodine to nullify germs in the bloodstream and to create a self-cleansing of internal toxemia.


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