
Showing posts from July, 2017

5 Health benefits of Moringa leaves/seeds.

Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. It contains 13 species from tropical and subtropical climates that range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees. Below are some of the health benefits of Moringa leaves/seeds. Lower blood sugar level According to a study published in 2014 moringa seeds may help lower levels of blood sugar that would provide therapeutic management of diabetes. Lower blood pressure Although there are several researches that show moringa can lower blood pressure level, however it is always advisable to consult your physician before you go for it. Aid sleep If you are struggling with sleep disorders, you can seek help from moringa leaves or seeds as both are equally nutritious as well effective in aiding sleep. Lower cholesterol level As you probably know that too much cholesterol in the blood has been linked to heart diseases. Consumption of moringa seeds on regular basis can hel

Forgotten intervention that is equal to or more effective than modern high blood pressure drugs

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, may be the #1 risk factor for death in the world, as it is a risk factor for coronary artery disease, heart attacks, kidney disease, stroke, blindness and possibly Alzheimer’s disease. Nearly one in three adults suffers from high blood pressure, and by the time Americans reach 60, nearly half have high blood pressure. Is High Blood Pressure Inevitable? Meat and sugar increase uric acid levels, which are associated with an increased risk for high blood pressure. Salt intake and industrially-manufactured fructose (added sugars) may also be linked to high blood pressure. Interestingly, the fructose found in up to 20 servings of whole fruit daily does not appear to raise blood pressure. In one study of rural Kenyans, the traditional diet of whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruit, and dark green leafy vegetables resulted in not a single case of arteriosclerosis among 1,800 individuals. Among rural Chinese residents who adhered to a

What can I do to avoid a heart attack or a stroke?

A heart attack is when the flow of blood to a section of the heart becomes blocked and the heart can’t get oxygen. If blood flow is not restored quickly, that section of the heart begins to die. The level of damage depends on  how long blood supply is cut off. The result can be mild damage, or it could lead to severe, lifelong problems. WHO estimates that more than 17.5 million people died of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke in 2012. Contrary to popular belief, more than 3 out of 4 of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries, and men and women were equally affected. The good news, however, is that 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable. Healthy diet, regular physical activity, and not using tobacco products are the keys to prevention. Checking and controlling risk factors for heart disease and stroke such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar or diabetes is also very important. Eat a healthy di

Smoking, Heart disease and Stroke

Smoking and/or exposure to second-hand smoke has many negative health effects that increase your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Smoking contributes to the build-up of plaque in your arteries (atherosclerosis), increases the risk of blood clots, reduces the oxygen in your blood, increases your blood pressure, and makes your heart work harder. Smokers are 3 times more likely to die of heart disease. Smokers are 3 times more likely to have a stroke and have nearly double the risk of ischemic stroke. Smokers who have high blood pressure, and/or high cholesterol are 4 to 8 times more likely to have heart disease or stroke. Women who smoke and use birth control pills are significantly more likely to have heart disease or stroke.  Smoking increases your risk of developing angina (chest pain). If your heart is not getting sufficient blood flow, you can experience chest pain. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to have atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). A

Second hand smoke

Second-hand smoke is the smoke we breathe when we are with smokers. This smoke is harmful – both to non-smokers AND smokers.  Second-hand smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and at least 50 of them can cause cancer. Heart disease is more common in non-smokers who live with smokers.  Bronchitis and pneumonia is more common in children who live with smokers. Children, especially babies, who live with smokers have more colds, more chest infections and more ear infections. Children who have asthma or allergies have more health problems when they live with smokers. Second-hand smoke contains more carbon monoxide and  a solid residual byproduct of tobacco smoke (tar) than the smoke inhaled directly by the smoker! This puts your health at greater risk. It also contains more ammonia, benzene, and several other dangerous chemicals. Lower tar and lower nicotine cigarettes are not safer, as they release the same amount of toxic chemicals in the air. Second-hand smoke also affect

Why smoke ?

Many people smoke because they are hooked. Smoking is an addiction, and it’s hard to stop. For some people, smoking is a way to handle being lonely and under stress. It’s a way to take a break. Many people smoke because their family, friends and co-workers smoke. Some people, especially young adults smoke because they think it will help them be cool and stay thin. They also want to look sexy like the people in the tobacco ads. Tobacco companies have worked hard to convince young people that smoking is exciting, sexy and stylish. Despite the fact that smoking is a killer, young adults (age 20-24) smoking rates are still at 26% for males and 17% for females. The good news The good news – Once you become smoke-free and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke, you will immediately reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. The sooner you become smoke-free the sooner your body can start to recover and it doesn’t take long to see the effects. Stop smoking today and feel the positive di

Signs you are Headed for a Breakup

At times, a breakup may feel like it is standing right there on your path. However, there may be times when you and your partner suspect to move apart. No matter how cordial your breakup is, it is never easy to go through it. And, if you are unaware of the mishap that is coming your way, things can get very nasty. Staying alert by knowing the signs of a breakup can ease the pain a little. So here are the signs. Arguments are a Part of Daily Life  Everything you say to each other does not necessarily have to turn into an argument. However, if you are entering into word battles more often, the future of your relationship is in dark.   Not Fighting Fair Fighting may not be all that bad. But, what can sabotage the relationship is not fighting fair. Calling each other names and pointing fingers at each other’s character indicates trouble. Start expressing to your partner. Tell them what has upset you so bad if you want the relationship to last. Threatening to Break Up Couple

Things you Must discuss with your Partner before it gets Too Late

Getting married or moving in with your partner is a major life decision. It requires a lot of thought and preparation. Prior to making the leap, you should again think if you are getting along great with your partner and that you are not feeling pressurised to take the next step. There are a few things you must discuss with your would-be partner for life. Doing so creates a better understanding between the two and minimises the problems that may otherwise pop up later.   Expectations It is extremely important that your expectations match with that of your partner. If you are unsure about their expectations from you, you must take time out for the discussion. You should only go ahead when you both share the same expectations and feel confident in the relationship’s future. What it is that you are looking for in your partner and what qualities they expect in you are key questions that need to be discussed beforehand. House Chores Small things can create big misunderstandings. Di

Naturally clean your kidney

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our system. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this? It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean. Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for 10 minutes, allow it to cool and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool. Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before. Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural.

Amazing ways to have A Happy Pregnancy and a Healthy Baby revealed

However pleasant an experience pregnancy may seem like, after a while most mothers wish it lasted only a few months. With 9 months of fatigue, on and off nausea, mood swings and weight gain, you sure do not want an unhealthy baby by the end of it. Take a look at these ways of nurturing a healthy baby. See Your Doctor or Midwife As soon as you know that you are pregnant, consult a midwife or doctor so they can organise antenatal care for you. To organise the care as early on as possible implies that that you will get advice and tips on how to have a healthy baby right from the beginning. Doing so will also help you have enough time to organise ultrasound scans and tests. Watch your Diet Make sure that whatever you eat during the course of your pregnancy is healthy. If you have no idea what to eat, you may:  Eat at least five portions of vegetables and fruits every day, Eat plenty of carbohydrates in the form of pasta, rice, bread, etc. These should comprise the main meals. G

Wonderful tips to Approach the One you have been Eyeing

Be Confident     There may be several instances in your life when you spotted a hot stranger sitting right across the pub and all you wanted to do was to approach them. But, by the time you could gather enough courage and confidence, another person took your chance and left you wondering. But. that was the last time, we promise. Follow our tips to have the right approach towards that hot stranger you have been oggling at. Do a Little Research You surely do not want to mistakenly fall for the wrong person. So, ask people around if they know about the person. Look for information about their reputation, personality, etc., so that you don’t have to leave anything to chance. Ignore Everything Else Don’t let your inner voice that stops you from approaching them overpower you. Once you have found out that their looks are just a small part of their remarkable personality and there is much more to explore, you must approach them. Use Social Networking as a Tool Social network

Amazing things you will love and hate about dating a shy girl

 She does not crave for attention  She doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. To tell that you only have eyes for her, you don’t have to show off your love to the public such as by singing the birthday song aloud when the world is watching. You just have to make her feel special and she will be yours. Attention to detail  She notices everything from your gestures to your clothes. She remembers it all, including the hellos and goodbyes. It is strange, but you don’t have to push yourself to do everything perfectly. Being nice to her will take care of everything. Talk less, listen more You can take charge of conversations and she would wait until you finish. She will remain quiet and will not block your conversation. The ‘observing you’ is her cover and also the quality you will adore the most. She would also expect you to do the same. You get things initiated She will not make the first move, will take a long time to open up or reveal her feelings to you. With her, y

Amazing health benefits of Cinnamon revealed

The wonder spice Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known. The bark of cinnamon tree is dried and rolled into cinnamon sticks which are known for their characteristic flavour and aroma. Besides being used in cooking, cinnamon is acknowledged for its ample health benefits. Cancer The spice can work wonders in fighting cancer cells and preventing their proliferation. A Half teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day can cut your cancer risk substantially. Cold and cough If you have cough and cold, take some cinnamon tea or cinnamon stick tea for relief. The anti-bacterial properties of cinnamon streamline the blood flow. This improves oxygen levels in blood to fight illness. Cholesterol Consumption of cinnamon and honey mixture lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon powder to a cup of tea to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Gum problems Cinnamon can help you deal with harmful bacteria that make home in your

Arthritis: the natural cure

In a nutshell, arthritis simply means inflammation of joints. It usually develops gradually over several months with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints. Ultimately, the whole body is affected. Arthritis assumes various forms, the most frequent being osteroarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms include anaemia, colitis, constipation, gall-bladder disturbances, low blood pressure, deformed hands and feet. Inflammation is the main feature of arthritis, which is a reaction of the joint tissues to some form of damage or injury. Treatment 1). The diet of the arthritis patient should be planned along alkaline lines and should include fruits and vegetables for protection and proteins and carbohydrates for energy. It may consist of a couple of fresh raw vegetables in the form of a salad and atleast two cooked vegetables. Cabbage, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, onion, radishes, tomatoes and watercress may be used for a raw salad. The cooked vegetables may include aspar

Here are wonderful flowers with health and beauty benefits

Hibiscus This stunning flower can offer you innumerable health and beauty benefits. Take some coconut oil and soak some hibiscus flower petals in it, use regularly for black and shiny hair. Applying hibiscus flower to face will reduce signs of ageing. Tea made of hibiscus of can cleanse your system and detoxify your body. Lotus This beautiful flower can help you get rid of cholesterol, diabetes, lever problems, and impurities. Who would have thought that the beautifully extravagant petals of this royal flower can help you erase almost all your ailments? All you need to do is make tea from the leaves of lotus and make tea out of the petals. Lavender The flower of serenity, lavender not only allows calmness in mind but also have certain beauty benefits. Lavender oil can cure your acne and scalp problems. Adding some drops of lavender oil in showering water can ease stress and anxiety. Rose Touted as the queen of flowers, rose is full of medicinal qualities. It is one t

Amazing foods to Feed Your Brain and Improve Your Cognitive Function

The food you eat feeds your brain and significantly impacts your ability to think, learn and remember. Here are some of my favourite foods that not only are important to your brain but also to the rest of your body. Avocados These little powerhouses are filled with healthy fat, energy and flavour. The nutrients in avocados are important to your brain and skin, and help stabilize your blood sugar. They are part of my diet every day. Blueberries High in antioxidants, they protect your brain from neurodegeneration. They are packed with flavour and vitamins. Balance the natural sugars in blueberries by increasing your fiber intake to reduce your net carbs. Broccoli High levels of vitamin K and choline in broccoli help protect your brain. Add florets raw to your salad, or steam your broccoli spears for a maximum of 3 to 4 minutes to optimize the sulforaphane content. Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil Not all olive oil is created equally, and fraud is commonplace when it