What you have to do during an interview

The interview

In this article, we will discuss what you have to do during an interview, till the time you step out of the room. While discussing an interview, it’s important to understand the different stages through which an interview courses through. 

Broadly speaking, there are five stages in an interview:
1. Introduction and rapport building; This is where the candidate introduces himself and builds a friendly image in the HR’s eyes.
2. Discussing interviewee’s experience and skills; The candidate runs the HR through his education, experience, and areas of expertise.
3. Interviewee Profiling; The HR asks questions to understand the department or the process the candidate will be a perfect fit for.
4. Questions to the Interviewer; The candidate uses this opportunity to put any queries in front of the HR related to the company and the working environment.
5. Concluding; includes final formalities like shaking hands and wishing.

An interviewer, in order to do an effective hiring, needs the answers to THREE basic questions:
1. Can you be someone whom the company can rely upon?
2. Who are you? Would others be comfortable working with you?
3. Are you sufficiently experienced, educated and interested to work satisfactorily? 

You must realize that there are no right or wrong answers; the interviewer’s intention is to accurately profile you according to your skill-sets. Here is a set of important tips that you should apply while appearing for an
  • Give a good first Impression; an interviewer draws a mental image of you in the first four minutes of the interview. Your appearance, smile, and nonverbal cues play a huge role in creating that image.
  • Listen before Answering; if you aren’t sure that you have understood the question, request the interviewer to repeat it. 
  • Smile; smiling at the right time gives you a confident and exuberant image.
  • Give Exact Answers; our answers need to be precise and exact.
  • Ex-employers; never bad-mouth ex-employers.
  • Be Honest; never lie.
  • Know your Resume; be ready to discuss anything mentioned in the resume. The interviewers can ask a question on any topic mentioned there.
  • Keep things at a professional level; even if a great rapport has been built, it’s always advisable to maintain a professional attitude.


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