What does woman notices in man

While men have their different choices and perspective, a woman also notices few things when she sees a man. It is quite natural and happens automatically; however a woman is more specific and reasonable while noticing. Here are some things a woman notices in a man.

A woman is usually attracted by the smile of a man as it can make her feel welcomed and non-hostile. It is the smile that makes her feel comfortable with a man within the first few minutes of the meeting. So a man must understand the importance of his smile and good looking teeth.

Physical build
While men often put physical appearance at the top of the list, a woman may not be so much interested in the physical stature of a man. However, she will notice it right away just to make sure that the man looks fine. Too much or too less of height and weight is not liked by woman. Woman only want the man to look healthy and just fine.

Another thing that a woman notices in a man is his eyes. A woman can guess a lot with not only his eyes but also the way he looks at her. Women often tend to keep distance with men who look at them in a scary way. She can see in his eyes what he thinks of her.

Appearances and attractiveness
A woman is also interested in what you like to do with your hair, clothes, grooming and basic hygiene. If a man can't make the effort with his own clothes and hair, a woman is certainly not going to work hard to learn more about you.

Women are looking for some time and they are always looking for a good laugh. A woman always notices the sense of humour in a man. Woman likes a man who has good sense of humour and can make her laugh.

Another thing that matters to a woman is the nature of a man. She always notices how the man behaves with her and other people around him. If he is aggressive and disrespectful to others, it will also warn her to stay away from such a man.

Men are supposed to be well behaved and treat the other sex nicely. So a woman is going to notice his way of talking. She wants to keep up a good conversation with the man. Therefore it is advisable to all men to be themselves and avoid acting smart with words.

Women find confident men attractive. A woman notices how confident and decisive a man can get. However she is not going to like arrogance and cockiness. A confident man is expected to have a stable professional and personal life.

His job

A woman is also interested in what a man does to earn his living. She wants to know what job he has, how good that job is and how stable he is in that job. These are few things that a woman notices in man. Men must consider these points if they want women to like them.


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