Preparing for an interview

Interviews can be considered similar to meeting with a friend’s friend for the first time. You tend to be friendly, yet formal in your manner and behavior. The approach should be exactly the same in case of an interview, however the preparation needs to be more extensive. Preparing for an interview could be divided into three stages: Pre-interview, Interview, and Post-interview.

Making a thorough preparation before the day of the interview not only saves time but also helps the candidates in calming the big day. Here, we have discussed all the preparation that you have to do a day or two before the interview.

Before the day of the interview, you should complete your preparation on these following areas:
1. Documents; documents supporting experience and education as per company specifications for verification purposes.

2. Professional Attire_ Wear the clothes that you have planned to wear on the day of the interview to see if they look good and professional on you. Coordinate accessories (tie, belt, socks, shoes, jewelry, etc.) There is a colour-code that we need to follow in formal meetings, e.g., the belt, watch, and shoes should be of one color.

3. Answers to possible questions, and questions you will ask the human resource at the end of the interview. Your questions should sound natural and not something you have memorized. Use jargons (industry talk) and acronyms. 

4. Arrival; Arrive 15 minutes before the appointment time. This will give you time to set your mood and look presentable before you enter the interview chamber. While waiting, practice your introduction and other answers. This will help in building confidence and fluency.

5. Visit the company's website; experts say that almost 70% of the questions interviewers ask are related to the information mentioned on their company’s website regarding details on the company’s history and achievements. That means, a good way to prepare for any interview is to visit that company’s website and note the following details: name of the CEO, organization structure and culture, main competitors, current business in which they operate, products and services, the locations and annual reports, positions available in different areas, and the skill-sets needed for the designation.


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