Top 6 values that would produce great marriages revealed

What we value is what we will have. Why is this so? If we truly value something, we will not only protect it from being destroyed but also do everything to nurture it. Because it is high on our priority list, we will invest time and energy to make it happen. If we value honesty and love in our relationship, we will actively seek to build it, practice it, and see it grow. In this regards, we have highlighted six core values that would produce great marriages.

 Love of God
Remember when you started out in your relationship, you thought that your love is so strong that it will overcome all obstacles. But after you got married and live together, soon you realized that your love can fail as well. Thereafter, you feel like giving up. When you truly love God, you will be willing to make the changes that your spouse wants you to make. And that will not only save your relationship but turn it into something better than ever before_because you finally realize that you need to let God take control of your marriage instead of trying it in your own strength. In such case, we have surrendered to God, and that He is in charge of our marriage, not we.

Love of your spouse
To some people, love is romance. Still, to others, it is being attracted to something that the other possesses such as beauty, strength, achievement, or character. This kind of love is certainly an important ingredient of a good relationship, but it is not the one that builds it. Love that really builds a relationship, is something different_ something that does not depend on how our partner is but solely on what our attitude towards our spouse is. It is the kind of love that God has for us. Remember, the love that makes a marriage grow is the love that brings action into a relationship.

Compassion and forgiveness
During our days of courtship, we tend to have an idealized picture of our future spouse. We say "He/she must be a perfect person, not only handsome/beautiful in his/her appearance but also lovely in character, this, and that". In reality. the person that you love the most and have committed your life to can never be perfect. Your spouse is guaranteed to fail you and hurt you in many ways. This is possible, because of our nature as human beings. Then, what can you do when your spouse has a weakness or failure ?. There is no hurt that love cannot heal. But for this to take place you need to have attitude of compassion and forgiveness. Even God never uses his stronger position to hurt us when we fail him, but always to help, so we should do the same. Next>>>


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