Top 5 warning signs of a serious conflict in relationships revealed

Some relationships involve behaviour that is very damaging to the other partner and in some cases may be criminal. Family Violence is a problem in many households. In the cases that are reported, 95% of the offenders are male. If you suffer any form of Family Violence, seek help immediately.

What sort of things can be called Family Violence?

Physical assault
This include; kicking, slapping, choking or using weapons against the victim. All threats of physical violence should be taken seriously.

Sexual assault

A range of abusive behaviours such as rape (with or without threats of other violence), forced compliance in sexual acts, indecent assaults, and forced viewing of pornography.

Psychological/emotional/verbal abuse
Using words and other strategies to insult, threaten, degrade, abuse or denigrate the victim. This can include threats to the victim’s children.

Social abuse

Social isolation imposed upon a female partner, such as stopping her from seeing her family and friends. This may include enforced geographic isolation.

Economic abuse
Controlling and withholding access to family resources such as money and property.

If you are in trouble seek help as soon as possible. You do not have to put up with Family Violence.


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