Things that your partner must never know about your past relationships

When we finally find someone worthy, someone with whom we can share everything with, we decide to share all our secrets and some of the secrets often contain memoirs from our past that should never be shared with anyone at any cost. We all need to understand that being honest, being truthful is alright but then there are times when you don’t have to be honest like when you are in a new relationship and there are things that your lover wishes to know about your past lover(s).

Yes, there are certain things that your partner must never know about your past relationship. If you don’t wish to lie, just dodge the question but do not spill the bean. Below are the things that you do not need to tell your boyfriend.

How many guys did you make love to?
 Not just this question will make you feel bad about yourself but will also put cracks in your current relationship. Know one thing, if a guy is asking this question; be very alert of his intentions. A genuine person has nothing to do with your past; it’s your present and future that he must focus on. So, now you know that you are not supposed to let this sort of questions easily and you are not supposed to be your honest self when such questions arise.

If you still miss one of your ex.

Well, it’s quite alright to miss someone but not want them back. Yes, there will be a millions of times when you will miss a past lover but just missing someone does not mean that you want them back in your life. There might be some of the best moments you spent with them but you just miss the time and moment but not exactly the person. So, your boyfriend does not need to know that you are missing anyone other than him.

If any of your ex has put their hands on you

There’s absolutely no need to tell your boyfriend about any instance, where your ex-lover has hit you because this way your boyfriend will hate your ex and there’s no need of hatred. If you have let go of that past, you have to also let go of each and every memory.

The plans that you had with your past lover(s)

 You must have had some future plans with your past lover but your boyfriend does not need to know about it. Make new future plans and never say, “I wanted to do this with him too…”, you need not to create an uncalled misunderstanding.


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