Top 6 values that would produce great marriages revealed

In a marriage relationship, there is no space for lies, not even small ones, because deceptions destroy trust and raises doubts: Can I really believe what my spouse is telling me?Again, our human nature tempts us to lie about problems; when we are afraid if disappointing our partner, or when we fear that the truth could have negative consequences for us.No matter how small or big it appears, couples should aim at total honesty. If you want to build a strong relationship, make a commitment to each other of total honesty.
A faithful spouse is one who can be trusted, depended upon, and believed in. Faithfulness should include not only in our body, but also in our hearts. Faithfulness doesn’t mean that you cannot have deep, sustaining, and supportive emotional relationships with other people. Spending a reasonable amount of time away with friends and from your spouse has nothing to do with unfaithfulness.
Holiness is something very attractive for marriage. In a marriage that places a high value on holiness, no doubt, the following would be present;. Confession and ownership of problems in each individual, a relentless drive towards growth and development, a giving up of everything that gets in the way of love, surrender of everything that gets in the way of truth, and a pure hearts that do not allow anything toxic to grow. If we make these issues one of our top priorities, we can heal anything that currently burdens our marriage.

We hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you some good idea about values that produce great marriage. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.


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