Surprising Ways Relationship Breakups Affect Your Health

A breakup can make you feel miserable. You quit eating, sleeping or indulging in any activity that takes your mind off your ex. These are all the emotional aspects of a breakup. In addition to these, there are some more surprising ways in which a breakup can affect your body. From having a poor skin to digestive problems, we reveal how a breakup can wreck havoc on your health.

Depression, Insomnia and Anxiety
A split puts a person at a high risk of suffering from depression and anxiety. As a result of these conditions, a person ends up suffering from insomnia.

Chest Pain
Psychologists at Columbia University say that intense emotional pain can stimulate the same networks of nerves as physical pain. Thus, a split can feel as painful as a hard punch. Love really does hurt. Doesn’t it?

Heart Attack
A breakup or a divorce can cause high production of the stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline in the body. This makes the heart beat faster and triggers abnormal heart rhythms.

Bad Skin
Stress hormones released after a breakup can make the quality of skin poor. But, it is not only the hormones which lead to a bad skin. After a breakup most people tend to stop taking care of themselves, causing poor skin conditions.

Problems in Walking
 A study conducted at the University of Texas says that people who experience a split are 23% more likely to have face mobility problems like climbing stairs or walking short distances. People who are stressed also are at a higher risk of an injury.

Loss of Appetite, Weight Gain and Digestive Problems
Few weeks after breakup, most people quit eating a normal diet. This happens because in stress a part of the brain called hypothalamus produces a hormone which reduces appetite, say scientists at Harvard Medical School. Messages are also sent by the brain to adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which leads to body’s fight or flight response, putting a hold on eating.


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