
Showing posts from June, 2017

Top 6 values that would produce great marriages revealed

What we value is what we will have. Why is this so? If we truly value something, we will not only protect it from being destroyed but also do everything to nurture it. Because it is high on our priority list, we will invest time and energy to make it happen. If we value honesty and love in our relationship, we will actively seek to build it, practice it, and see it grow. In this regards, we have highlighted six core values that would produce great marriages.   Love of God Remember when you started out in your relationship, you thought that your love is so strong that it will overcome all obstacles. But after you got married and live together, soon you realized that your love can fail as well. Thereafter, you feel like giving up. When you truly love God, you will be willing to make the changes that your spouse wants you to make. And that will not only save your relationship but turn it into something better than ever before_because you finally realize that you need to let God tak

Top 6 values that would produce great marriages revealed

Honesty In a marriage relationship, there is no space for lies, not even small ones, because deceptions destroy trust and raises doubts: Can I really believe what my spouse is telling me?Again, our human nature tempts us to lie about problems; when we are afraid if disappointing our partner, or when we fear that the truth could have negative consequences for us.No matter how small or big it appears, couples should aim at total honesty. If you want to build a strong relationship, make a commitment to each other of total honesty. Faithfulness A faithful spouse is one who can be trusted, depended upon, and believed in. Faithfulness should include not only in our body, but also in our hearts. Faithfulness doesn’t mean that you cannot have deep, sustaining, and supportive emotional relationships with other people. Spending a reasonable amount of time away with friends and from your spouse has nothing to do with unfaithfulness. Holiness Holiness is something very attractive

When to seek out for a professional help in relationship

If your relationship has some of the early warning signs listed here , it can be useful to consider consulting with a professional experienced in responding to stresses and difficulties in relationships. Relationship courses and seminars can help to improve your relationship and prevent problems from occurring. They provide people with information and skills on a range of relationship issues. Counsellors can help you to make sense of your experiences in this relationship, to develop ways of managing conflict and difference and to make decisions about the future directions for your relationship. Mediators can work with you to identify everybody’s interests and needs and to discuss options for reaching agreements about children’s arrangements & property and for finances. It is good for couples to learn new ways of relating, communicating and resolving conflicts.  Services which may be useful include relationship or family counselling, mediation and courses for coup

Top 5 warning signs of a serious conflict in relationships revealed

Some relationships involve behaviour that is very damaging to the other partner and in some cases may be criminal. Family Violence is a problem in many households. In the cases that are reported, 95% of the offenders are male. If you suffer any form of Family Violence, seek help immediately. What sort of things can be called Family Violence? Physical assault This include; kicking, slapping, choking or using weapons against the victim. All threats of physical violence should be taken seriously. Sexual assault A range of abusive behaviours such as rape (with or without threats of other violence), forced compliance in sexual acts, indecent assaults, and forced viewing of pornography. Psychological/emotional/verbal abuse Using words and other strategies to insult, threaten, degrade, abuse or denigrate the victim. This can include threats to the victim’s children. Social abuse Social isolation imposed upon a female partner, such as stopping her from seeing her family an

Great Relationship lessons we can learn from our parents

Family is priority For your parents, there is nothing that can possibly come before family. You may have often noticed them making it a point to spend quality time with their parents on a regular basis. No matter how busy they get in their day to day work, they will manage time to either have a tea or coffee with the family or just sit together and watch TV together. Have you ever given a thought why did your parents insist on celebrating your birthdays together? That’s because they know there is nothing more important than family. Small things matter There is nothing more pleasant than knowing that your mother would be eagerly waiting for you with something refreshing to drink or eat when you reach home from office in the evening. You feel on top of the world on seeing your dad rushing outside to get medicines when you feel sick regardless of the time of day. All such things may seem insignificant, but these small things, when part of a daily life, are as significant as anythi

5 Incredible reasons why bossy women make amazing wives

They are so motivated They don’t need people to motivate them, they are self-driven and highly motivated individuals. There are days when they feel low, but they don’t give up just like that, they encourage themselves to get up and get going. And that’s what makes bossy women so amazing. They always finish what they start They never leave anything unfinished, be it some assignment at work or setting up a new home. Nothing can stop them from finishing what they have started, even if it gets tough for them. Men really appreciate this attribute in bossy women. They are smart, strong and confident Undoubtedly, they are! They are least interested in thinking what others think of them. They have better things to do in life. They are strong headed, confident and firmly believe in doing what is right without offending anyone. They take no nonsense Never take them for granted or ill treat them, if you want to maintain a healthy relationship with them because they don’t take anyo

Surprising Ways Relationship Breakups Affect Your Health

A breakup can make you feel miserable. You quit eating, sleeping or indulging in any activity that takes your mind off your ex. These are all the emotional aspects of a breakup. In addition to these, there are some more surprising ways in which a breakup can affect your body. From having a poor skin to digestive problems, we reveal how a breakup can wreck havoc on your health. Depression, Insomnia and Anxiety A split puts a person at a high risk of suffering from depression and anxiety. As a result of these conditions, a person ends up suffering from insomnia. Chest Pain Psychologists at Columbia University say that intense emotional pain can stimulate the same networks of nerves as physical pain. Thus, a split can feel as painful as a hard punch. Love really does hurt. Doesn’t it? Heart Attack A breakup or a divorce can cause high production of the stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline in the body. This makes the heart beat faster and triggers abnormal heart rhythms.

Things that your partner must never know about your past relationships

When we finally find someone worthy, someone with whom we can share everything with, we decide to share all our secrets and some of the secrets often contain memoirs from our past that should never be shared with anyone at any cost. We all need to understand that being honest, being truthful is alright but then there are times when you don’t have to be honest like when you are in a new relationship and there are things that your lover wishes to know about your past lover(s). Yes, there are certain things that your partner must never know about your past relationship. If you don’t wish to lie, just dodge the question but do not spill the bean. Below are the things that you do not need to tell your boyfriend. How many guys did you make love to?   Not just this question will make you feel bad about yourself but will also put cracks in your current relationship. Know one thing, if a guy is asking this question; be very alert of his intentions. A genuine person has nothing to do

What does woman notices in man

While men have their different choices and perspective, a woman also notices few things when she sees a man. It is quite natural and happens automatically; however a woman is more specific and reasonable while noticing. Here are some things a woman notices in a man. Smile A woman is usually attracted by the smile of a man as it can make her feel welcomed and non-hostile. It is the smile that makes her feel comfortable with a man within the first few minutes of the meeting. So a man must understand the importance of his smile and good looking teeth. Physical build While men often put physical appearance at the top of the list, a woman may not be so much interested in the physical stature of a man. However, she will notice it right away just to make sure that the man looks fine. Too much or too less of height and weight is not liked by woman. Woman only want the man to look healthy and just fine. Eyes Another thing that a woman notices in a man is his eyes. A woman can guess

What your Body language speaks inside the interview room

Body language We have decided to discuss this important tip separately, because experts say that only 30% of what you speak inside the interview room matters to the interviewers and 70% comprises of Body Language.  The way you walk, talk, sit, shift in your chair, touch your face, lower your eyes on specific questions, or look away_all bear tremendous weight when it comes to leaving a positive impression on the mind of the interviewer(s). Here is a set of common guidelines that you should follow while in the interview room or waiting for your turn: Don’t cross your arms and legs. This signifies nervousness and restlessness. Don’t rub your nose or bite lips. The interviewers tend to interpret this as lying. Don’t slouch or sit on the edge of the chair. This gives a careless impression. Nod when you agree but don’t bob your head as that signifies inexperience. Don’t stare when looking directly at the interviewer. That will look intimidating. Don’t sit too close to the

What to do after the interview is over

Post-interview We would discuss here what to do after the interview is over; from the moment the interviewer is done asking questions till the time you walk out of the premises. This is a very under-rated and yet, extremely important step of an interview process. Closing an interview gives you the final chance to leave a positive impression in the mind of the interviewer about you as a prospective employee with the organization.  The following few steps will help you in leaving a lasting impression in the mind of the interviewer well after the interview is over: Ask questions to the interviewer. The HR will feel that you have done your research on the company. Shake the interviewers’ hands confidently, if he offers you the hand first. Don’t offer a handshake from your side first, as it is still against customs in some countries to shake hands, especially if the interviewer is a lady. Thank the interviewer(s) for the opportunity and rephrase your interest to work with the com

What you have to do during an interview

The interview In this article, we will discuss what you have to do during an interview, till the time you step out of the room. While discussing an interview, it’s important to understand the different stages through which an interview courses through.  Broadly speaking, there are five stages in an interview: 1. Introduction and rapport building; This is where the candidate introduces himself and builds a friendly image in the HR’s eyes. 2. Discussing interviewee’s experience and skills; The candidate runs the HR through his education, experience, and areas of expertise. 3. Interviewee Profiling; The HR asks questions to understand the department or the process the candidate will be a perfect fit for. 4. Questions to the Interviewer; The candidate uses this opportunity to put any queries in front of the HR related to the company and the working environment. 5. Concluding; includes final formalities like shaking hands and wishing. An interviewer, in order to do an effec

Preparing for an interview

Interviews can be considered similar to meeting with a friend’s friend for the first time. You tend to be friendly, yet formal in your manner and behavior. The approach should be exactly the same in case of an interview, however the preparation needs to be more extensive. Preparing for an interview could be divided into three stages: Pre-interview, Interview, and Post-interview. Pre-interview Making a thorough preparation before the day of the interview not only saves time but also helps the candidates in calming the big day. Here, we have discussed all the preparation that you have to do a day or two before the interview. Before the day of the interview, you should complete your preparation on these following areas: 1. Documents; documents supporting experience and education as per company specifications for verification purposes. 2. Professional Attire_ Wear the clothes that you have planned to wear on the day of the interview to see if they look good and profession