What would makes you stand out in your next Interview.

If you want the job, you have to arrive on time (or 10-15 minutes early), look the part and know your story. What skills do you bring to the table? What makes you stand out? What do you know about the company? With these things in mind, you can improve your interviewing skills so you can demonstrate your awesomeness.
Research Your Potential Employer!
One of the mistakes that many job-seekers make is not researching the company with whom they are interviewing. This step can’t be skipped or brushed aside no matter how great you are. Start your research before you apply to the position. This may not be a difficult task with help from the internet, however, you may still run into some situations where information is hard to access.
Where should you begin your research? 
• Annual sales •Benefits • Career growth potential • Company growth potential • Company history • Competition • Product lines • Services • Size of the organization • Structure of organization • Subsidiaries.
Your appearance... At your next interview
First impressions are generally lasting and your appearance at an interview is very important. Your clothes need to be professional looking. That means the outfit is tailored, conservative, and businesslike; so unless your interviewer tells  you otherwise, plan on this:
• A nicely tailored suit or dress in generally darker colors (e.g., black, brown, navy, gray); hemlines on dresses or skirts should be two inches or more below the knee.
• A light-coloured shirt.
•Coordinated tie.
• Dress socks or neutral or dark-coloured pantyhose with no runs.
• Dress shoes that are polished and closed-toe shoes (for women).
• Trimmed moustache and/or beard.
• Minimal jewelry.
• Clear nail polish or a conservative-coloured polish. Light make-up.
• Properly combed and styled hair.
• Do not wear any cologne or perfume. It might smell great but your interviewer could be allergic!
• Take out all your visible body piercings (nose, eyebrow, tongue, etc.).
• Make sure that your clothing is ironed or pressed.
• Take extra resumes and your references. Have a pad and something to write with. 
• Also remember to not smoke, chew gum, or eat during your interview. (Avoid smoking before the interview as well).


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