RESUME style tips_the most important section of a resume.

• Information should be presented in reverse chronological order and aligned and spaced consistently.
• Leave adequate margins (white space around and throughout the resume not smaller than 0.5 inch).
• Avoid using color, graphics, or graphical enhancements.
• Consider using numbers and characters, instead of writing the words out. This will draw the eye directly to the page. (e.g. 7 vs. “seven”, # vs. “naira,” % instead of “percent”)
Must be consistent_only 1 Font style throughout the resume. Recommended/easy-to-read fonts include: Times New Roman, Garamond, Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif.
• Should be no smaller than 10 point and not condensed. Avoid italics, as they don’t scan well.
• One paragraph for degree or years of experience.
• Second page must have name and page number in header/footer and enough information to fill at least 1/2 page if used.
• Use a variety of action verbs; do not repeat the same word over and over.
• Sentence fragments are acceptable.
• Do not use first person (I, our, my).
• Do not rely on Microsoft Spell Checker to be your proof reader_triple check everything.
• Use appropriate subject_verb tense and action verb tense (e.g., all positions that you held previously should be in the past tense).
• Be consistent in use of verb tense, formatting and style, including dashes, periods, commas and semi-colons.
Saving tips:
Once you get it on paper, READ IT and have others (3-5) review it to ensure that your resume is meaningful (to what you want to do next), well-written, and concise.  Save resumes as Last Name, First Name “Resume”.doc (e.g., Joseph, Joseph Joseph.doc)
Letterhead format:
Name, home address, e-mail, phone. Name on page 2, if applicable. Consistent on all other correspondence, including cover letters, thank you letters, reference list (upon request).


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