Growing in intimacy

Intimacy in marriage doesn't occur automatically, it must be developed deliberately. To grow in intimacy, you need to spend quality time together as a couple. Create time out of your schedules to be together, and make that a regular habit. Spend the time to know each other more and create activities that will bring you together. Play with your spouse; for a couple that prays and plays together will stay together. Share your time, thoughts, interests and dreams. The time you spend together brings you closer. Communication in marriage is very essential. Therefore, be open and honest with each other. Let your spouse know your likes and dislikes and let go of all offences.

Read: what intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage
In addition, let there be mutual love, respect, kindness and understanding in your relationship. Listen to your spouse and express your thoughts in plain words. Give no room for assumptions. Seek more ways to grow in intimacy so that your love is each other can grow. Get more knowledge on how you can bring out the best in your your spouse through reading good books on Christian marriage. If your marriage is currently not what you desire, know that God loves you and He wants the best for your marriage. 
Just ask Him wisdom and patience to make your marriage a model. He is able to take your marriage to the height you've never imagined.


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