Get a job with no experience

456 rhythm road,
10 April, 2016.
The General Manager,
Toprhythm's Media,
123 Rhythm City,
Dear Recruiting Manager,
Inquiry Letter
I am a recent graduate of Rhythm University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. I am interested in pursuing a career in marketing, and would like to inquire about possible opportunities at Rhythm Media. I am impressed by your company’s commitment to quality products and services, complemented by innovative and dynamic marketing concepts and strategies. 
As an undergraduate, I developed a substantial foundation in marketing theory and practice, with coursework in the areas of market analysis and strategic planning, industrial and new technologies marketing and product strategy and management. My honours thesis in psychology focused on buyer behaviour, analyzing why consumers and industrial purchasers buy particular products and services. In addition, I have extensive experience working with children, both as a teacher and counselor, and as a research assistant on a project focusing on play activities of children in day care versus home environments. I am extremely interested in safety issues relative to children's toys, and would like to learn more about your research in this area.
I have attached my resume for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications for employment at Rhythm Media. I will contact you during the week of a 10 to arrange an interview at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration, and please let me know if you need additional information.



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