The collective responsibilities of spouse

Marriage is a teamwork; that's, it requires the couple to work together. It is the little effort each partner makes, or the little things each does for the other every day that fosters good marital relationship. The following are the things that make the marriage relationship work.
Consideration: husband and wife should be considerate of each other's feelings, needs, and of course, sensibilities.
* Courtesy: as a couple, you must be very courteous when talking to each other.
* Concern: as husband and wife, you must always show concern for the needs and well-being of your partner.
* Availability: this entails having listening ears, being a shoulder to cry on, sharing laughter, having mealtime together, etc.
* Compliment: Don't see all that your spouse does for you as normal, his responsibility, or your right.

Read: what intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage
* Gifts: always surprise your spouse when he/she least expects it.
* Contact: never lose contact with your partner; never fail to communicate with your spouse.
* Assistance: surprise your spouse occasionally by helping out with some chores.
* Prayer: pray together and individually for each other's specific needs.
* Respect each other.
* Income: Wife should also contribute to family income. When a wife do this, it will reduce the burden of your husband.
* Protection: husband and wife should protect each other against physical and emotional assaults from outsiders.
* Apologize: learn to apologize to your spouse when it offend him/her.


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