Barriers to intimacy in marriage

There are numerous hindrances to intimacy in marriage, and one of them is lack of education on its importance. Many a couple doesn't know the importance of intimacy in marriage and the need to adjust in order to accommodate each other's interests, preferences and emotional reactions. 
There are also physical barriers to intimacy in marriage. Differences in male and female physiology could cause problems. Women have complex reproductive system. During menstruation a pregnancy, for instance, they have mood swing and changes in feelings because of the pain and inconvenience they are passing through. Most experience early morning sickness when they are pregnant. Some may be sick the entire time of pregnancy. Also, women sometimes use verbal fluency to make up for their lack of physical strength.
Men on the other hand, must adjust to these aspects of physiological differences in their wives. They would need to extend extra measure of kindness and consideration to them during the period of pregnancy especially, and show understanding whenever they are experiencing mood swings.

Read: what intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage
Personality differences, psychological make-ups and lack of emotional maturity could also hinder intimacy in marriage. Additionally, any attempt by a spouse to remake the partner into his or her own carbon copy will result in conflict and undue criticisms, and this will hinder intimacy.


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