
Showing posts from November, 2016

Hot immersion and epsom salts bath value of water therapy

HOT IMMERSION BATH This bath can be taken from two to 15 minutes at a temperature from 36.60C to 400C. Generally this bath is started at 370C and the temperature is then gradually raised to the required level by adding hot water. Before entering the bath, the patient should drink cold water and also wet the head, neck and shoulders with cold water. A cold compress should be applied throughout the treatment. This bath can be advantageously employed in dropsy when there is excessive loss of tone of the heart and blood. This bath also relieves capillary bronchitis and bronchial pneumonia in children. It relieves congestation of the lungs and activates the blood vessels of the skin muscles. The bath should be terminated as soon as the skin becomes red. Read:  enema and cold compress value of water   In pneumonia and suppressed menstruation, the bath should be administered at 37.70C to 400C for about 30 to 45 minutes. This bath should be given when the menstruation is due and ma

Enema and cold compress value of water therapy

The main methods of water treatment which can be employed in the healing of various diseases in a do-it-yourself manner are described below. ENEMA Also known as rectal irrigation, an enema involves the injection of fluid into the rectum. In nature cure treatment, only lukewarm water is used for cleaning the bowels. The patient is made to lie on his left side extending his left leg and bending the right leg slightly. The enema nozzle, lubricated with oil or vaseline, is inserted in the rectum. The enema can containing the lukewarm water is then slowly raised and water is allowed to enter into the rectum. Generally, 1 to 2 litres of water is injected. The patient may either lie down on his back or walk a little while retaining the water. After five to 10 minutes, the water can be ejected along with the accumulated morbid matter. Read: hot immersion and epsom shalt bath . A warm water enema helps to clean the rectum of accumulated faecal matter. This is not only the safest

VITAMIN E: Essential for the prevention of heart diseases, asthma, arthritis...

It prevents unsaturated fatty acids, sex hormones and fat soluble vitamins from being destroyed in the body by oxygen. It dilutes blood vessels and improves circulation. It is essential for the prevention of heart diseases, asthma, arthritis, and many other conditions. It is available in wheat or cereals germ, whole grain products, green leafy vegetables, milk, eggs, all whole, raw or sprouted seeds and nuts. Its deficiency can lead to sterility in men and repeated abortions in women, degenerative developments in the coronary system, strokes and heart disease. Read: the killer in your bathroom The official estimated requirement of this vitamin is 15 international units. Expert nutritionist estimate the actual requirement at 100 to 200 I.U. a day. The therapeutic doses are from 200 to 2400 I.U. daily. It is beneficial in the treatment of various forms of paralysis, diseases of the muscles, artheriosclerosic heart disease by diluting blood vessels. It prevents formation of s

Barriers to intimacy in marriage

There are numerous hindrances to intimacy in marriage, and one of them is lack of education on its importance. Many a couple doesn't know the importance of intimacy in marriage and the need to adjust in order to accommodate each other's interests, preferences and emotional reactions.  There are also physical barriers to intimacy in marriage. Differences in male and female physiology could cause problems. Women have complex reproductive system. During menstruation a pregnancy, for instance, they have mood swing and changes in feelings because of the pain and inconvenience they are passing through. Most experience early morning sickness when they are pregnant. Some may be sick the entire time of pregnancy. Also, women sometimes use verbal fluency to make up for their lack of physical strength. Men on the other hand, must adjust to these aspects of physiological differences in their wives. They would need to extend extra measure of kindness and consideration to them durin

Growing in intimacy

Intimacy in marriage doesn't occur automatically, it must be developed deliberately. To grow in intimacy, you need to spend quality time together as a couple. Create time out of your schedules to be together, and make that a regular habit. Spend the time to know each other more and create activities that will bring you together. Play with your spouse; for a couple that prays and plays together will stay together. Share your time, thoughts, interests and dreams. The time you spend together brings you closer. Communication in marriage is very essential. Therefore, be open and honest with each other. Let your spouse know your likes and dislikes and let go of all offences. Read: what intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage In addition, let there be mutual love, respect, kindness and understanding in your relationship. Listen to your spouse and express your thoughts in plain words. Give no room for assumptions. Seek more ways to grow in intimacy so that your love is ea

Fasting: why should we

Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. The word is derived from the old English, ‘feastan’ which means to fast, observe, be strict. Fasting is nature’s oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. It is recognised as the cornerstone of natural healing. By depriving the body of food for a time, the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs are given opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated waste from the system. Thus, fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective and quick method of cure. It assists nature in her continuous effort to expel foreign matter and disease producing waste from the body, thereby correcting the faults of improper diet and wrong living. It also leads to regeneration of the blood as well as the repair and regeneration of the various tissues of the body. Then, how long? The duration of the fast depends upo

Benefits of fasting and the best way for breaking the fast

There are several benefit of fasting. During a long fast, the body feeds upon its reserves. Being deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis or self-digestion. But it will not do so indistriminately. The body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fasting. Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of fasting as a curative and rejuvenative method. During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells are speeded up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells. The capacity of the eliminative organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys and the skin is greatly increased as they are relieved of the usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant wastes. They are, therefore, able to quickly expel old accumulate

What intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage

Phycologists posit that the desire to have a close relationship with one or more persons is one of the greatest needs of humans. This means that the need for intimacy and emotional closeness is inherent in human nature, and the desire to love and be loved provides the basis for intimacy. So then, what is intimacy? Intimacy is a relational process in which the innermost being of a person is known by another and vice versa, meaning individuals revealing their innermost desires, feelings and thoughts to one another. Intimacy develops in marriage when the couple opens up more to each other. But where they are reticent about their personal life, the relationship falls apart. Below are some of the different forms of intimacy. Read :  Growing in intimacy * Emotional intimacy: it is essential to the survival of any marital relationship. It engenders a sense of closeness and understanding. Here, the couple shares their emotions, including their hurts, joys and fears, and at the same t

The collective responsibilities of spouse

Marriage is a teamwork; that's, it requires the couple to work together. It is the little effort each partner makes, or the little things each does for the other every day that fosters good marital relationship. The following are the things that make the marriage relationship work. *  Consideration : husband and wife should be considerate of each other's feelings, needs, and of course, sensibilities. * Courtesy : as a couple, you must be very courteous when talking to each other. * Concern : as husband and wife, you must always show concern for the needs and well-being of your partner. * Availability : this entails having listening ears, being a shoulder to cry on, sharing laughter, having mealtime together, etc. * Compliment : Don't see all that your spouse does for you as normal, his responsibility, or your right. Read: what intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage   * Gifts : always surprise your spouse when he/she least expects it. * Contact

2016: Your role in making your marriage work.

Every marriage has its own challenges. The couple must consciously work at surmounting the challenges of their marriage and make it work. Husband and wife should avoid tools enemy uses to attack Christian marriages. Those tools include and not limited to Neglect, Blame, Selfishness, Secrets, Anger, Prayerlessness, Pornography, Financial disputes, Workaholism, Lying, and lack of physical intimacy. From the foregoing, it is cleared that the success of your marriage lies in your hands. Read: what intimacy can help you achieve in your marriage.   Below are useful tips to make your marriage work: * Good communication : good communication promotes healthy relationship. Be mindful of your speech and communication gestures, posture and tone. If you want your marriage to work, you must know how to choose the right words, gestures, posture and tone when talking to your spouse. Your spouse may be offended by what you say or the way you react. Have your mood under control. Read : fas

Full wet sheet pack and spinal bath value of water therapy

SPINAL BATH The spinal bath is another important form of hydrotherapic treatment. This bath provides a soothing effect to the spinal column and thereby influences the central nervous system. It is given in a specially designed tub with its back raised so as to provide proper support to the head. The bath can be administered at cold, neutral and hot temperatures. The water level in the tub should be an inch and a half to two inches and the patient should lie in it for three to 10 minutes. The cold spinal bath relieves irritation, fatigue, hypertension and excitement. It is beneficial in almost all nervous disorders such as hysteria, fits, mental disorders, loss of memory and tension. The neutral spinal bath is a soothing and sedative treatment, especially for the highly strung and irritable patient. It is the ideal treatment for insomnia and also relieves tension of the vertebral column. The duration of this bath is 20 to 30 minutes. The hot spinal bath, on the other hand, help

The therapeutic value of water

Water has been used as a valuable therapeutic agent since time immemorial. In all major ancient civilizations, bathing was considered an important measure for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. It was also valued for its remedial properties. In modern times, the therapeutic value of water was popularised by Vincent Priessnitz, Father Sebastian Kneipp, Louis Kuhne and other European water-cure pioneers. They raised water cure to an institutional level and employed it successfully for the treatment of almost every known disease. There are numerous spas and "Bads" in most European countries where therapeutic baths are used as a major healing agent. Read: sheet pack and spinal bath Water exerts beneficial effects on the human system. It equalises circulation, boosts muscular tone and aids digestion and nutrition. It also tones up the activity of perspiratory gland and in the process eliminates the damaged cells and toxic matter from the system. The co

The Killers in your bathroom

Both Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and its close relative Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are  commonly used in many soaps, shampoos, detergents, toothpastes and other products that we expect to "foam up". Both chemicals are very effective foaming agents, chemically known as surfactants. SLS and SLES are esters of Sulphuric acid - SLS is also known as "Sulfuric acid monododecyl  ester sodium salt", however there are over 150 different names by which it is known. In fact, SLES is commonly contaminated with dioxane, a known carcinogen. Although SLES is somewhat less irritating than Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, it cannot be metabolised by the liver and its effects are therefore much longer-lasting. A report published in the Journal of The American College of Toxicology in 1983 showed that  concentrations as low as 0.5% could cause irritation and concentrations of 10-30% caused skin corrosion and severe irritation. National Institutes of Health "Household Products D

RESUME style tips_the most important section of a resume.

Formatting : • Information should be presented in reverse chronological order and aligned and spaced consistently. • Leave adequate margins (white space around and throughout the resume not smaller than 0.5 inch). • Avoid using color, graphics, or graphical enhancements. • Consider using numbers and characters, instead of writing the words out. This will draw the eye directly to the page. (e.g. 7 vs. “seven”, # vs. “naira,” % instead of “percent”) Font : Must be consistent_only 1 Font style throughout the resume. Recommended/easy-to-read fonts include: Times New Roman, Garamond, Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif. • Should be no smaller than 10 point and not condensed. Avoid italics, as they don’t scan well. Length : • One paragraph for degree or years of experience. • Second page must have name and page number in header/footer and enough information to fill at least 1/2 page if used. Grammar : • Use a variety of action verbs; do not repeat the same word over and over. • Sente

A resume or curriculum vitae

The curriculum vitae (CV) includes most of the same information as a resume, but is used primarily for the academic job search. Therefore, it is not recommended for those just graduating with a bachelor’s degree. A CV will elaborate in much greater detail teaching and research experience. What is the difference between a resume and a CV? • Primary differences are length, content and purpose. • A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. A goal of resume writing is to be brief and concise, since the resume reader will spend a minute or so reviewing your qualifications. • A resume is used to summarize an individual’s education and experiences related to a specific career objective in the public or private sector. • A CV is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis. It includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affilia

Here is what you need to know about your References

References should be typed on a separate page from your resume. Use the same high quality bond paper, same fonts and font sizes as on your resume. List name, title, address, phone number, and email address for each of your references. Do not use family members as professional references. This list will be provided to the employer at their request; it is not necessary to send it with your cover letter and resume, unless specified. Several copies of your references should be brought with you to the interview, along with several copies of your resume, all in a professional looking binder, briefcase. Who should you list as a reference? Read: transferable skills   Anyone who knows you in an academic or professional manner. This means knowing your integrity, your initiative, your professional responsibility, etc. This could be a professor, supervisor, committee member, volunteer coordinator, etc.

What would makes you stand out in your next Interview.

If you want the job, you have to arrive on time (or 10-15 minutes early), look the part and know your story. What skills do you bring to the table? What makes you stand out? What do you know about the company? With these things in mind, you can improve your interviewing skills so you can demonstrate your awesomeness. Research Your Potential Employer! One of the mistakes that many job-seekers make is not researching the company with whom they are interviewing. This step can’t be skipped or brushed aside no matter how great you are. Start your research before you apply to the position. This may not be a difficult task with help from the internet, however, you may still run into some situations where information is hard to access. Where should you begin your research?  • Annual sales •Benefits • Career growth potential • Company growth potential • Company history • Competition • Product lines • Services • Size of the organization • Structure of organization • Subsidiaries.

7 Steps before and during your next Interview

Preparation: Make sure you can talk about what is on your resume. The more comfortable you are with telling your story, the better. Arrive about 10-15 minutes ahead of schedule and wait patiently for the interviewer. Handshake: A firm handshake reflects confidence. Don’t squeeze so hard that you hurt the interviewer. On the other hand, don’t give your interviewer the “limp fish". Non-verbal communication: Make sure you stand and sit up straight, make eye contact, and actively listen. All of these things are part of your non-verbal communication that lets the interviewer know that you are alert and engaged.  Eye Contact: Look your interviewer in the eye in a friendly manner. You don’t have to stare, but you also want to avoid frequently looking up, down, or to the side, as these suggest lack of confidence. It is okay to look away when thinking of an answer to a challenging question. Speech: Correct grammar is important during an interview. Stay away from slang words and

Best way to get a job with no experience

Of all the resources you’ll utilize during your job search, people are undoubtedly the most important. Why? Because ultimately it will be a person who decides to hire you and that person will probably rely on the feedback and recommendations of other people. So, it’s in your best interest to connect with those who have the potential to help you most. You can start by scheduling an appointment with friends, family, etc. He or she can connect you with appropriate resources, help you develop a search strategy, and guide you through the search process. Read : 7 transferable skills that can help you build your career Have a particular company or organization in mind? Take the initiative and write a letter of inquiry.  See the example below. Click here .

Get a job with no experience

456 rhythm road, Abuja, 10 April, 2016. The General Manager, Toprhythm's Media, 123 Rhythm City, Abuja. Dear Recruiting Manager, Inquiry Letter I am a recent graduate of Rhythm University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. I am interested in pursuing a career in marketing, and would like to inquire about possible opportunities at Rhythm Media. I am impressed by your company’s commitment to quality products and services, complemented by innovative and dynamic marketing concepts and strategies.  As an undergraduate, I developed a substantial foundation in marketing theory and practice, with coursework in the areas of market analysis and strategic planning, industrial and new technologies marketing and product strategy and management. My honours thesis in psychology focused on buyer behaviour, analyzing why consumers and industrial purchasers buy particular products and services. In addition, I have extensive experience working with children, both as