These 4 words would do great in strengthening your relationship

  • Surprise note: surprise your spouse with little notes found in unexpected places. If your spouse travels for work, place a loving note somewhere he/she can find it. For example, slip a note saying, “I love you” where you know your spouse will find it. Another recommendation is sticking a note on the bathroom mirror so this will be the first thing seen in the morning. Be creative and have some fun with this.
  • Snuggle your spouse: When couples first start dating, snuggling is usually a part of their everyday existence. However, as the relationship progresses or after children enter the picture, the snuggling stops. Take some time just to snuggle. If your spouse is watching a movie, or laying in bed reading, scoot close and tell them that you just want to snuggle. This makes both both of you feel secure and loved.
  • Split responsibilities: Whether dating or  married,  weekends  are  always  full  of errands and chores. If you find that on the weekend things are lopsided, help your spouse out. For example, one of you own a store and the house needs to be cleaned, laundry done, etc. Simply say you want to help and ask which of the jobs you can take over. This gesture will show your spouse that you really care by sacrificing your time.
  • Making love: Intimacy is a huge part of a successful relationship. Choose a book from the bookstore and try to bring a little excitement into your relationship. Do not be afraid to experiment and learn new  and  exciting ways  to  please  each  other. Keeping intimacy alive is healthy and not a bad thing whatsoever!


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