5 things to do in your relationship

  1. Learn more about your spouse: Either find a good questionnaire or create one that does not dig up the past, but focuses on discovering other qualities about each other.
  2. Make an eye contact: You may not think this is important, but think back to the first time you saw your now spouse. More than likely, the first interaction was through eye contact. If you are having dinner during the holidays with a large group of family and friends, glance over to your spouse and give them a seductive wink, or if your  spouse  is  giving  a  speech  and  you  are  there to  offer support, attentively look at them, making directly eye contact and offer a warm reassuring smile.  Eyes can say a lot!
  3. Dance together: Finding a nice place where the two of you can enjoy a slow dance is a great way to spend time together, holding each other without saying a word. Keep in mind that to accomplish this, you can stay home and simply move some furniture out of the way, light some candles, and put on your favorite soft music and enjoy some quiet, romantic time together. 
  4. I am sorry: if you make a mistake by doing or saying something that is hurtful or damaging to the relationship, say that you are sorry. Many people struggle with these words, even when they know that  what  they  did  was wrong. It actually  takes a strong person to apologize. Do not wait until you think you have the courage but say it immediately, and with sincerity. Too often when couples argue, there is a long period of silence, which actually makes the anger and tension worse. You need to let your spouse know immediately that you made a mistake and ask for forgiveness.
  5. Adore your spouse: Beyond telling your spouse that you love them, that they are special, and having passion in your relationship, you should adore your spouse and what they bring into the relationship. What that means is to appreciate and love them for the person they are, faults and all. This is true devotion to your spouse and demonstration that you do not take them for granted.


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