The best way to negotiate with your employer/organization/company.

Once you have been offered a job you have the opportunity to discuss the terms of that offer with your potential employer. First, be sure you understand the offer itself: type of work, salary, benefits, start date, location, training period, relocation requirements, supervisor, etc. If the organization extending the offer has not provided this information, ask for it. It’s impossible to make a well-informed decision without it.
Next, it is important to understand what salary is reasonable to expect for this position. Research salary ranges for your field allowing for differences by geographic location. Also, keep in mind that salaries vary between urban and rural areas. Use a cost of living calculator to determine how much money you will need to earn in a specific location to meet your needs. Remember that salary alone does not determine the worth of an offer. Consider other criteria such as benefits, vacation/annual leaves, start date, and the industry experience you’ll gain. 
How to Negotiate
Before entering any negotiation, be clear about what you want. This does not mean you’ll get exactly that, but it will help you determine what you are willing to concede. When negotiating, approach the employer early in your decision-making process and maintain professionalism throughout all interactions. 
Before you contact the employer, plan what you will say and practice aloud. A friend or someone can critique your reasoning and help you prepare for questions. Always begin by expressing genuine interest in the position and the organization, emphasizing the areas of agreement and leaving room for compromise elsewhere. Be prepared to support your points of disagreement, outlining the parts you would like to alter, your suggestions on how this can be done and why it would serve the company’s best interests.
Be prepared to defend your proposal. Provide reasons to support your request, such as relevant experiences, special skills or current competing job offers.
Considerations for Salary Negotiation 


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