Are you start to feel like moving to another person?

Often times, people get tired of working on the relationship they are currently in and feel that by moving on to another person, they will find "perfect spouse". This is just not the  way forward.  What happens is that, when you move to another person, things are fresh, new, and exciting just as they were in the beginning of your current relationship.  Within time, that relationship will also start experiencing differences. Unless you are being abused or your mate is doing something illegal or completely irresponsible, perhaps the efforts you would put into starting a new relationship would be better spent fixing the one you have. A perfect relationship is often built on "equality and respect".
Remember that relationships are give and take situations, not competition between two people who love each other. There will be times when your spouse is right and times when you are right. When you feel the conversation getting a little on the edgy side with each of you trying to hold ground, do not forget that there can be many ways to accomplish the same task. The result is that each of you might learn something new from each other. Put your heads together and do what makes the  most  sense  instead  of  battling  for  ownership  of  the solution.
Bringing spirituality into your relationship is important. Allow the love of God to be your ultimate guide and spend time having devotions together at night. If you are just starting out dating, religious preference may not seem like a big deal at first, but soon into the relationship, it can be a big trouble spot. Make time for God in your life and consider dating someone who shares the same faith with you.


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