
Showing posts from October, 2016

20 likely questions you should prepare for in your next interview...

You usually won’t know what questions your interviewer will ask you, but here is an idea of some common questions that you can anticipate.  • Tell me about yourself. • Why did you choose this job and how did you arrive at this decision?  • What has been your greatest challenge? • If you could change a decision you made, what would you change and why? • Describe a leadership role of yours and tell why you committed your time to it. • Describe the project or situation that best demonstrates your analytical abilities. • How do you deal with pressure? • Give me a situation in which you failed, and how you handled it. • Why are you interested in our organization? • What interests you about this job? • What is your most significant accomplishment? • What motivates you? • If I asked people who know you for one reason why I should hire you, what would they say? •Describe the type of manager you prefer. • Tell me about a project of which you are particularly p

A review of interview appearance and tips

Hand should be well manicured. Ladies choose subtle low-key colour over bright fashion colour for nail polish. Clean hair with a recent cut and styling. Blue, grey or black suits are always in style. A quiet tie with a subtle design and a hint of red is suitable for a first interview. Avoid loud colours and busy designs. Jewelry should be kept minimal. A watch or wedding or class ring are acceptable. Don't wear a ring or tag that indicate membership in a religious or service organizations. Use deodorant and avoid colognes or fragrances completely. Shoes that are black and freshly polished (including the heel) are a safe choice for an interview. Sucks should be blue or black and worn over the calf. Practice good posture and be aware of non verbal communication. Maintain good eye contact. But don't stare! Turn off your cells phones. Ladies should Avoid wearing clothes that could distract your interviewers from your talents. Avoid exotic hairstyles and excessive mak

Questions to ask during the interview

Questions to Ask During the Interview: Why is the position open?  Where will the job be performed? Is it based at Headquarters or is it. What do they see as the primary focus for this position?  What is the greatest challenge? When do they want to have someone in the position?  How long have they been looking? Can you describe the best performer that you have on your team in a similar role?  What will be the interview process?  What are goals do they want to accomplish? How do they see the position developing? Growth Path. Read : the best way to negotiate with your potential employer Read: what will make you standout in your next interview.

The best way to negotiate with your Employer

• Public sector employees typically have salary scales for classes of jobs, and inexperienced hires usually start at the first step on the scale. • To an employer, having first-class or being a fast learner are normally not justifiable reasons for a higher salary. • Employers are less likely to negotiate in a tight economy. • Employers need to consider equity for other candidates and existing employees. What else to negotiate Start Date: new employees must accrue leaves/vacation time and it may be a while before you’re eligible. Performance Bonus: received at the end of the year and based upon your performance or the organization’s performance. Early Performance Review and Salary Review: propose an early review date tied to a potential salary increase. Annual leave/ Vacation: if you want an extended vacation in December and you start work in August, negotiate in advance for time off. Professional Development: employers often cover professional association dues  and

The best way to negotiate with your employer/organization/company.

Once you have been offered a job you have the opportunity to discuss the terms of that offer with your potential employer. First, be sure you understand the offer itself: type of work, salary, benefits, start date, location, training period, relocation requirements, supervisor, etc. If the organization extending the offer has not provided this information, ask for it. It’s impossible to make a well-informed decision without it. Next, it is important to understand what salary is reasonable to expect for this position. Research salary ranges for your field allowing for differences by geographic location. Also, keep in mind that salaries vary between urban and rural areas. Use a cost of living calculator to determine how much money you will need to earn in a specific location to meet your needs. Remember that salary alone does not determine the worth of an offer. Consider other criteria such as benefits, vacation/annual leaves, start date, and the industry experience you’ll gain. 

Samples of Transferable skills you must not joke with.

Before : Oversaw floor of residents. After : Effectively resolved conflicts arising periodically on a floor of over 50 residents to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment. Before : Responsible for supervising shift. After : Demonstrated ability to work effectively under pressure, accept responsibility, as well as cooperate and implement decisions. Promoted to shift supervisor after 2 months at company, based on performance.  Before : Led team of 3 in class project. After : Used persuasion skills to convince team to take a nontraditional approach to project. Interacted effectively with team and professor to lead team to highest marks possible. Before : Sold computers to customers. After : Improved communication skills by asking relevant questions and listening attentively and objectively to customer needs. Extracted important information from dialogue to make best possible recommendation to customer. Earned Sales Employee of the Month Award based on total sales

7 Transferable skills that can help build your dream/career.

1) Communication skills: speaking effectively, writing clearly and concisely, listening attentively and objectively, expressing ideas, facilitating group discussions, interviewing, editing, responding appropriately to +/- feedback using various media to present ideas imaginatively, providing appropriate feedback, negotiating, perceiving nonverbal messages, persuading, reporting information, describing feelings, public speaking, using various styles of written communication, conveying a positive self image to others. 2) Critical Thinking/Problem Solving skills: anticipating problems before they occur, defining problems and identifying possible causes, identifying possible solutions and selecting the most appropriate ones, creating innovative solutions to complex problems, involving group members to evaluate solutions, developing plans to implement solutions, multi-tasking, identifying a general principle that explains interrelated, experience. 3) Research/Planning/Investigation

Transferable skills for career changers

To be successful in the workplace, you have to possess transferable skills. Transferable skills are a product of your talents, traits and knowledge. These skills determine how you respond to new activities, work situations or jobs. Everyone has transferable skills, though it isn’t always obvious when and how you’ve used them. It’s your job to identify these skills and highlight them on your resume. For example, the fact that you served customers their goods countless times isn’t necessarily going to win you points with a recruiter. However, describing on your resume how working in this situation helped you develop your interpersonal skills is relevant. Transferable skills are non-job specific skills that you have acquired during any activity or life experience. Draw from activities and experiences such as campus and community activities, projects, hobbies, athletic activities, internships and summer part-time jobs.  Below are the required skills: 1. Analytical skills. 2. Com

What does Vitamin E do for you

Vitamin E is essential for normal reproductory functions, fertility and physical vigour. It prevents unsaturated fatty acids, sex hormones and fat soluble vitamins from being destroyed in the body by oxygen. It dilutes blood vessels and improves circulation. It is essential for the prevention of heart diseases, asthma, arthritis, and many other conditions. It is available in wheat or cereals germ, whole grain products, green leafy vegetables, milk, eggs, all whole, raw or sprouted seeds and nuts. Its deficiency can lead to sterility in men and repeated abortions in women, degenerative developments in the coronary system, strokes and heart disease. Read:   The official estimated requirement of this vitamin is 15 international units. Expert nutritionist estimate the actual requirement at 100 to 200 I.U. a day. The therapeutic doses are from 200 to 2400 I.U. daily. It is beneficial in the treatment of various forms of paralysis, diseases of the muscles, artheriosclerosic hear

What is the use of vitamin c in the body and how much you need in a day

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, comprising over 1.5% of total body weight (around 1.25Kg or almost 3 pounds for the average adult). Not only is calcium an intergral part of the teeth and bones (where 99% of the calcium in the body is found), but it is also closely associated with, and its absorption is dependent on Vitamin D. Functions of calcium in the body are: Transmission of electrical impulses along the nerves, Muscle contraction, Blood clotting, Cell structure, Many enzyme reactions , Regulation of blood pressure (increases blood pressure by increasing spasm and vasoconstriction) Calcium deficiency A lack of calcium can show up in one or more of many ways, depending on which systems are affected. Symptoms of calcium deficiency includes; Colon cancer, High blood pressure (hypertension), Irregular heartbeat or palpitations, Loss of muscle tone, Muscle cramps, Osteomalacia and Rickets (children) among others. Calcium is present in high amounts in a w

What foods are rich in vitamin a and what it can do for you

Vitamin A is essential for growth and vitality. It builds up resistance to respiratory and other infections and works mainly on the eyes, lungs, stomach and intestines. It prevents eye diseases and plays a vital role in nourishing the skin and hair. It helps to prevent premature ageing and senillity, increases life expectancy and extends youthfulness.  The main sources of this vitamin are fish liver oil, liver, whole milk, curds, pure ghee, butter, cheese, cream and egg yolk, green leafy and certain yellow root vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, turnip, beets, carrot, cabbage and tomato and ripe fruits such as prunes, mangoes,pappaya, apricots, peaches, almonds and other dry fruits. A prolonged deficinecy of vitamin A may result in inflammation of the eyes, poor vision frequent colds, night blindness and increased susceptibility to infections, lack of appetite and vigour, defective teeth and gums and skin disorders. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin A is 5,000 inter

Why you would value massaging your body and how to go about it

Massage is an excellent form of passive exercise. It involves the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. If correctly done on a bare body, it can be highly stimulating and invigorating. As far back as 400 B.C. , the great Hippocrates, the father of medicine, employed massage and manipulation in healing his patients. Since then it has been used as a mode of treatment for many ailments and it has restored many a sufferer to health and vigour. Benefits It tones up the nervous system, influences respiration and quickens the elimination of poisons and waste material from the body through the various eliminative organs such as the lungs, skin, kidneys and bowels.  It also boosts blood circulation and metabolic processes.  A massage removes facial wrinkles , helps to fill out hollow cheeks and neck and eases stiffness, sore muscles and numbness. Various movements and their advantages 1. Effleurage (stroking) : This involves sliding with the hands, using lo

Alcoholism:The most effective way to treat alcoholism is to build

Alcoholism refers to addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disorder, in which a person is unable to refrain from frequent and excess consumption of alcohol for physical or psychological reasons. The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed alcoholism as one of the three most deadly killer diseases of the 20th century. Alcohol is not a product found in nature. It results from decomposition and as such belongs to a family of poisons. Ethyl alcohol, the main intoxicating ingredient in wine, beer and distilled liquor is a toxic drug which depresses the brain and nervous system. Alcohol cannot be called a food for it enters the alimentary canal and is not changed or digested in any way. It is quickly absorbed in the bloodstream and then travels to every part of the body, adversely affecting vital organs like brain and liver. Causes Alcoholism results from intemperate drinking. Sometimes it sneaks upon a person comparatively rapidly; other times, years may pass before a person b

Effective sleeping position

There are many theories about good and bad sleeping positions. Practically everyone changes positions several times during sleep. Hence how one starts out is of no consequence. It is a good thing we do turn about in our beds. If we did not, we would awake in the morning stiff, having maintained the same position all night. For proper sleep, however, one should not sleep on one’s back but on the side with one or both legs brought well up and the head and the shoulder slightly forward. Sleeping pills are no remedy for sleeplessness. They are habit-forming and become less effective when taken continuously. They lower the I.Q. dull the brain and can prove fatal if taken in excess or before or after alcohol. The side-effect of sleeping pills include indigestion, skin rashes, lowered resistance to infection, circulatory and respiratory problems, poor appetite, high blood pressure,kidney and liver problems and mental confusion. Sleeping well is an art. It needs a perfect blend of hea

Obesity:To begin with, the patient should...

Quickly, Obesity may be described as a bodily condition characterised by excessive deposition or storage of fat in adipose tissue. It can occur at any age in either sex. Its incidence is higher inpersons who consume more food and lead sedentary leaves. Obesity is a serious health hazard as the extra fats puts a strain on the heart, kidneys and liver as well as the large weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles, which ultimately shortens the life span. Causes The chief cause of obesity , most often, is overeating_that is, the intake of calories beyond the body’s energy requirement. Some people are habituated to eating too much while others may be in the habit of consuming high-calorie foods. Obesity is sometimes also the result of disturbances of the thyroid or pituitary glands. But glandular disorders account for only about two per cent of the total incidence of obesity. In such persons, the basal metabolism rate is low and they keep gaining weight unless th

7 danger signals which may indicate the presence of cancer and how it can be treated.

The word ‘cancer ‘ comes from the latin "carcinoma" meaning crab. It is the most dreaded disease and refers to all malignant tumours caused by the abnormal growth of a body cell or a group of cells . It is today the second largest killer in the world, next only to heart ailments. The term covers more than 200 diseases. The majority of cancers occur in the age group 50-60. Sex does not affect the incidence of the disease. It, however, affects the site of growth. In men, cancer is usually found in the intestines, the prostate and the lungs. In women, it occurs mostly in the breast tissues, uterus, gall-bladder and thyroid. Symptoms The symptoms of cancer vary according to the site of the growth. The American Cancer Society has prescribed seven signs or danger signals in general which may indicate the presence of cancer. These are : a sore that does not heal ; change in bowel or bladder habits ; unusual bleeding or discharge ; thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere ;

Acne: 2 ways it can be treated effectively

Acne is perhaps the most common chronic skin disease. It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous ( that is fat or grease) glands and hair follicles usually found on the face, the neck, chest and shoulders. Nearly eight out of ten young people between the ages of 12 and 24 suffer from some degree of acne. It is closely related to the disturbance in the hormones experienced at puberty. The majority of patients recover between the ages 20 and 30 years. But it is still common in men over 30 years. In women, it rarely lasts beyond the early thirties and is normally worse before each menstrual period. The diseases causes a great deal of embarrassment at an age when people tend to be sensitive about personal appearance. Symptoms Acne is characterized by the presence of comedones or blackheads, pimples, small superficial sebaceous cysts and scars. There are over half a dozen forms of acne. All of them are concerned with sebaceous glands or the glands connected with hair follic

Diseases can be treated with fruits and vegetables juices

Some common ailments and fruit and vegetable juices found beneficial in their treatment are mentioned below : Acidity : Grapes, orange, mousambi, carrot and spinach. Acne : Grapes, pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot, potato and spinach. Allergies : Apricot, grapes, carrot, beet and spinach. Arteriosclerosis : Grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrot, lettuce, and spinach. Anaemia : Apricot, prune, strawberry, red grape, beet, celery, carrot and spinach. Arthritis : Sour cherry, pineapple, sour apple, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce and spinach. Asthma : Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, carrot, radish and celery. Bronchitis : Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, tomato, carrot, onion and spinach. Bladder Ailments : Apple, apricot, lemon, cucumber, carrot, celery, parsley and watercress. Colds : Lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, celery and spinach. Constipation : Apple, pear, grapes, lemon, carrot, beet, spinach and watercress.

How much sleep do you need

Another mystery about sleep is that no two persons need the same amount of sleep. Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman, Associate Professor of Physiology at the University of Chicago, who conducted years of extensive experiments at the University’s "Sleeping Laboratory" says that there is no more a normal duration of sleep than there is normal height and weight.  A study of 25 subjects spread over thousands of nights showed that the average amount of sleep needed to feel well rested is seven-and-a-half hours, though individuals varied from six to nine hours. According to Dr. Demmis Williams, a noted authority on sleep, the amount of sleep needed for an individual’s well-being, is determined by what he feels he needs, not by what other people, including the doctor, think is reasonable. On the whole, women sleep from 45 minutes to one hour more than men. The amount of sleep required varies at different ages as follows : New Born : 18 to 20 hours Growing children :10 to 12 hours

5 things to do in your relationship

Learn more about your spouse: Either find a good questionnaire or create one that does not dig up the past, but focuses on discovering other qualities about each other. Make an eye contact: You may not think this is important, but think back to the first time you saw your now spouse. More than likely, the first interaction was through eye contact. If you are having dinner during the holidays with a large group of family and friends, glance over to your spouse and give them a seductive wink, or if your  spouse  is  giving  a  speech  and  you  are  there to  offer support, attentively look at them, making directly eye contact and offer a warm reassuring smile.  Eyes can say a lot! Dance together: Finding a nice place where the two of you can enjoy a slow dance is a great way to spend time together, holding each other without saying a word. Keep in mind that to accomplish this, you can stay home and simply move some furniture out of the way, light some candles, and put on your f

Are you start to feel like moving to another person?

Often times, people get tired of working on the relationship they are currently in and feel that by moving on to another person, they will find "perfect spouse". This is just not the  way forward.  What happens is that, when you move to another person, things are fresh, new, and exciting just as they were in the beginning of your current relationship.  Within time, that relationship will also start experiencing differences. Unless you are being abused or your mate is doing something illegal or completely irresponsible, perhaps the efforts you would put into starting a new relationship would be better spent fixing the one you have. A perfect relationship is often built on "equality and respect". Remember that relationships are give and take situations, not competition between two people who love each other. There will be times when your spouse is right and times when you are right. When you feel the conversation getting a little on the edgy side with each of y

Should I permit family members?

Many couples are starting to go to counseling or relationship/marriage classes much earlier in their relationship rather than waiting until after the marriage is in trouble.  This is a great option for learning how to have a healthy, lasting relationship and develop open communication. When in a relationship, not only are you involved with the love of your life, but also the family of your spouse. It is important to build a strong, healthy relationship with the families as well. Even if you do not see them often, having a good connection with your spouse’s family will make life for everyone much better all the way around.  Nevertheless, do not allow other people to interfere with your relationship. If family members try to get in the middle of fights or debates, that is definite trouble.  You might have friends with well-meant intentions trying to help you and your spouse solve problems. Although getting another person's perspective is not a bad thing, make sure it is when y

There are times when you have to start over again in your relationship...

When couples first get together, everything is new and exciting. They overlook the little annoying things the other person does. However, after time, the nagging starts, instead of hearing, “You look beautiful” they might hear “Why are you wearing that shirt?” If this sounds like your relationship, first, the two of you need to sit down and be honest that things have changed. Identify the things each other did in the beginning of the relationship that created the attraction in the first place.  Then together, make a commitment to start over. The truth is, both of you will have to work on this.  It will not automatically be easy but it is possible.  Start by forgiving each other, forgetting  the  past,  and  then  start  over  with  the flirtation. Focus only on the special things your spouse does and relearn to put the unimportant things aside.  It will take some time so be patient. There are times when you must spend quality time together. It is crucial!  This time can be w

These 4 words would do great in strengthening your relationship

Surprise note: surprise your spouse with little notes found in unexpected places. If your spouse travels for work, place a loving note somewhere he/she can find it. For example, slip a note saying, “I love you” where you know your spouse will find it. Another recommendation is sticking a note on the bathroom mirror so this will be the first thing seen in the morning. Be creative and have some fun with this. Snuggle your spouse: When couples first start dating, snuggling is usually a part of their everyday existence. However, as the relationship progresses or after children enter the picture, the snuggling stops. Take some time just to snuggle. If your spouse is watching a movie, or laying in bed reading, scoot close and tell them that you just want to snuggle. This makes both both of you feel secure and loved. Split responsibilities: Whether dating or  married,  weekends  are  always  full  of errands and chores. If you find that on the weekend things are lopsided, help your s