Top 5 ways you can encourage your partner to communicate more openly revealed

To encourage open communication, each person must first accept responsibility for his/her own feelings. It is important to be honest, as honesty is at the heart of good communication. Be aware of the following:

  1. The only thing we have total control over is our own thoughts, attitudes and actions.
  2. Set aside time for both of you to talk, as talking about what is happening and how it affects you is the first step.
  3. Try to tell your partner exactly what you are feeling and thinking, even if it might upset him or her.
  4. State what you want and be prepared to negotiate.
  5. Don’t forget, change can be painful and scary, so let your partner know that you understand this.
Listen to your partner, put aside your own thoughts for the time being, and try to understand his or her intentions, needs and wants.


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