Keeping anger under your control

Anger can always be kept under control; at least one can mitigate its severity by applying the following methods:

Try to understand the feelings under your anger
Anger often covers up other feelings such as embarrassment, insecurity, shame or guilt. In order to control your anger, you need to realize what your real feelings are.

Managing cues and triggers
Anger fuels the “fight or flight” defense mechanism of the body. Even if you might feel that you just get angry without warning, your body starts sending you physical signals much before that.

Identifying Anger Buttons
  • Clenching hands or jaw.
  • Flushing of face.
  • Breathing heavier.
  • Pacing around.
  • Pounding heart.

Learn ways to cool down
You can deal with your anger quicker if you know how to recognize the cues, before it gets out of control.

Quick tips for cooling down
  • Breathing Taking deep breaths from the abdomen to draw fresh air into lungs.
  • Exercising It releases the brooding negative energy that you carry around.U
  • sing senses Listening to music, or picturing yourself in a scenic location.
  • Slowly counting to ten. Focusing on counting makes you think rationally and gets your feelings streamlined with your thoughts.

Find healthier ways to express your anger.
If channeled properly, anger can be a great motivating tool. A lot of athletes have used anger to perform excellently.

Giving yourself a moment to think about the situation.
  • How important is it in the Big Picture?
  • Must/should I waste my time in being angry about it?
  • Is it worth spoiling the day for me?


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