Home remedy for skin rashes

A skin rash is an area of skin that has become swollen or irritated. Skin rashes can include skin bumps or sores, scaly or red skin, and itchy or burning skin. Skin rashes can be caused by many medical conditions.

Home remedy for skin rashes

1). Olive oil is also known to effectively cure skin rash. Apply olive oil directly on the rash regularly. The therapeutic properties of olive oil will cure the skin rashes.

2). Break off an aloe vera leaf from the plant, and cut it open lengthwise from top to bottom with a knife. Scoop out the gooey gel inside, and rub it directly onto irritated skin. If you have extra left over, you can keep it refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a week.

3). You can also apply baking soda to the affected skin area. Press the area gently after applying the baking soda to get relief from the irrigation and cure the rash.

4). For a rash developed due to a spider bites, ice cubes can be applied directly on the area for 20 minutes. It will counter the development of rash on the bitten area.  If a rash still appears, apply a topical antibiotic medicine to the affected area 2-3 times a day.

5). You can also apply vitamin E oil to skin rash. Cut open a vitamin E capsule, extract the oil and apply it over the affected areas.


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