Home remedy for pimples

Pimples are an inflammation of the skin in which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacteria, swell up, and fill with pus. Excess sebum secretion by the oil glands is the primary cause behind this problem. Pimples generally occur on the face, neck, back and shoulders.

 Home remedy for pimples

1) A mixture of Honey and lemon juice is one of the simple yet effective homemade beauty tips for pimples treatment. Mix 1 tablespoon of Honey with 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on the pimples as well as on the spots left out by pimples.

2) After orange peels and pounded and combined with water to a paste, apply it only to the affected area and watch the results.

3) Overnight, apply a bit of fresh lemon juice to the pimples to reduce its size and intensity. Wash it off with water the next morning. Use this home remedy only if your skin is not sensitive.


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