Home remedy for cough and cold

The most common cause of chronic cough is predictable. "It's the aftermath of a cold or other viral infection", says Norman H. Edelman, MD, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association.

 1) Juice of a big red onion plus 1  tablespoon of honey. Drink small dose frequently. Avoid large dose!

2)  Chewing a piece of fresh ginger with a little salt on it will ease cough.

3)  Half a cup of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of Honey can be taken several times a day.

4). Inhale steam to ease your congestion and drippy nose. Hold your head over a pot of boiling water and breathe through your nose. Be careful! If the steam burns your nose, breathe in more slowly.

5). Drink lukewarm water to fight a common cold, cough and sore throat. Drinking warm water reduces the inflammation in the throat. Plus, water helps replenish the fluid in the body and washes out the infection.

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