With water, the following diseases can either be cured or reduced

Water has many medicinal applications, and today we’ll highlight 5 diseases that can be reduced or even cured by drinking water.
  •  Heart Disease: so rampant and we seem to be able to do little to control it. However, it appears as though there is a strong relationship between water and coronary health. One study demonstrated that drinking 5 or more glasses of water per day can cut the risk of dying from a heart attack by 50%. Gout, being a form of arthritis, is also markedly improved if not completed kept at bay with a proper consumption of water. Water helps to remove uric acid and other toxins from joints that build-up causing swelling and pain.
  • Kidney Stones: A proper supply of water helps to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Kidneys, along with the liver and urinary tract, are responsible for ridding the body of toxic materials.
  • Arthritis: human joints are cushioned by fluid-filled sacs, but when we are dehydrated, our bodies draw water fro these non-essential areas. As a result, joints are not adequately cushioned and movement can become painful. Moderate dehydration can actually mimic arthritis.
  • Obesity: research has shown that two glasses of water increased the metabolic rate by about 30% in one study. Researchers believe that an increase in water intake of six glasses per day could burn about 5 lbs of fat per year.


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