How to train your children to love

Child experts tell us that fostering love and compassion in young people is among the best way to prevent verbal, physical, and emotional aggression from taking root. So if you want your children to truly care about others and be sensitive to their feelings, then adhere to the scriptural guideposts below.

  1. Teach him about Christ's death and forgiveness: make your children understand that Christ loves them and paid the supreme price for their salvation (Jhn.15v13). If anyone or a group has hurt them, tell them to forgive and forget whatever they had done just as Christ forgave all his sins and atrocities (Matt.18v21-35).
  2. Teach him to observe the golden rule: let your children know that they should treat others the way they would want to be treated (Matt.7v12).
  3. Tell him to share what he has with others: make them share what he has or what he's eating with his siblings and other kids. Also, take them to the orphanage sometimes with gifts for the children there.
  4. Show them how to respect people: it's always beautiful to hear children use the five golden expressions; thank you, excuse me, please, I am sorry, and pardon me. Teaching your children respect also means you you reject rudeness.
  5. Apologize to them when you are wrong: quite unfortunate, most parents find it difficult to apologize for wrong decision. Always say "I am sorry " if you have been short-tempered with your children (1Pet.5v5). Afterall, all parents make mistakes. It's how you address those mistakes afterward that make the difference.
  6. Set limits and boundaries for them: as a responsible parents, you must set and enforce rules on behaviour for them or else you will get a self-centered children.
  7. Commend and appreciate their kindness: when you watch your children sharing things with other kids, you should commend their action by saying " what a good friend you are ". Your commendation and appreciation of their deeds of kindness will teach them to do the more.
  8. Be selective about Media: if you noticed any characters on television that are hitting each other or calling each other names, shut off the TV, or put parental control on the channel. Children don't just watch TV, they also internalize it. So as a responsible parents, be careful of what your children are watching.
Children have a inborn capacity to love. But the problem is, their love competes with developmental forces such as the belief that their needs absolutely must come first, and with adults brainwashing them into hating their" enemies ". As a responsible parents teach them to put their love into action and inspire the world with agape love.


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