Myocardial Oxygen Consumption (MV02)

Myocardial Oxygen Balance is determined by the ratio of oxygen supply to oxygen demand.  Increasing oxygen supply by increasing either arterial oxygen content or coronary blood flow leads to an increase in tissue oxygen levels (usually measured as the partial pressure of oxygen, pO2).  Increasing oxygen demand alone (i.e. myocardial oxygen consumption) decreases tissue oxygen levels.  Normally, when oxygen demand increases there is a proportionate increase in coronary blood flow and oxygen supply so that tissue oxygen levels are maintained during times of increased oxygen demand.  This increase in blood flow is performed by local regulatory mechanisms.  This tight coupling between oxygen demand and coronary blood flow is impaired in coronary artery disease because oxygen supply is limited by vascular stenosis.

Normal Range (3.321 - 4.244)

If the Myocardial Oxygen Consumption readings are high, can tissue hypoxia.
If the Myocardial Oxygen Consumption readings are low, can result in chest pain (angina) associated with coronary artery disease.

Maintaining a healthy level of Myocardial Oxygen Consumption involves the same recommendations as indicated for cholesterol and blood viscosity, diet and exercise.  Eating foods like fruits, nuts and vegetables is a great start. 


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