
Showing posts from September, 2017

Saturated fats. The cause of heart disease or the answer to the problem?

Saturated fats, in the form of red meat have been with us since time immemorial. They have been a part of the human diet ever since we have been on the planet. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) on the other hand, has only been around since the 1940s or so (and is still increasing sharply) which, funnily enough, was when hydrogenated vegetable oils were introduced_coincidence? Not in the least. After starting his medical carreer in the 1920s, Dr Weston Price, a leading proponent of natural nutrition, did not see his first case of IHD for 7 years. Nowadays, IHD is so common that it is the leading cause of death in the Western World and is, therefore, one of the main subjects at medical school, although it has been recognised as a problem for less than 100 years. In that time, societies all around the World have been persauded (falsely) that saturated fat from red meat was responsible, and as a consequence a massive, thriving market has been built for vegetable oils, particularly hydrog

Pros and cons of Condoms.

Condoms are barrier form of birth control, they are available for both the men and women. Female condom fits inside the vagina and the male condoms entirely covers the penis. Availability: Male condoms are easily available where as availability of female condoms is relatively low. Price: Female condoms are relatively expensive then male condoms. Effectiveness: Both the condoms provide effective protection against sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy. Male condoms are considered to be more effective than female condoms. They (male condoms) are 85% effective for birth control while female condoms are 75 % effective contraceptive method. Lubricants: With female condoms you can either use oil-based or water-based lubricants. If you are using male latex condoms then only water based lubricants can be used. However, if the condom is made up of polyurethane or lamb intestine then you can safely use any kind of lubricant. Usage: Male condoms are placed just befo

Explained: Pros and cons of the meat industry

Over the years, although little has been written about modern meat farming, much has been written about meat and its effects on health. Unfortunately, a great deal of what is said is based on little more than opinion and much of it owes more to emotion than to science. Even more unfortunately, some of the most important points have been, at best, missed and at worst, deliberately obscured by an industry with more than its share of vested interests. What people tend to forget is that meat farming is big business and the pressure on farmers to increase output are enormous. More, bigger and leaner animals are always the subject of strenuous efforts, often with scant, if any regard to the effects on human health. Additionally, whilst many people take a direct interest in animal health, few stop to think how it, and the modern meat farming methods that lead to it, affect us.  So what is all the fuss about? Many of us are lucky enough to remember when animals were raised in open

Dealing with different personality disorder in the workplace

In a typical workplace, we find people from different cultures. Understanding different cultures is important so that we would not offend others. But, focus is much on training on how we are different. Everyone in this world has got a personality and this could be used to know and relate to people around. This helps us understanding them on their personality rather that the physical traits and our behavior toward them changes. This would greatly minimize the basis of prejudices made. If you notice, a person can have all the four personality traits in him, with one being prevalent. One personality trait is always prevalent, but it may subject to change as a person adapts a new situation and environment. It may so happen that they may change their personality trait according to the job skills and required behaviors. However, their original personality trait may resurface soon. And, if the work becomes stressful, they tend to develop difficult behaviors. Remember that you are id

Teams in a working environment

In the workplace, it is almost a rule for a manager to get people with completely different temperaments, some of which are: motivating factors, styles of functioning, personality traits, among others. It might appear to an outsider that developing a team out of such different people is a recipe for disaster. To understand how this ispossible, it is important to identify the common core that drives a team. There are three kinds of teams that have three very different ways of functioning. Depending on their working style, their managers chalk out a common program for all the members, which then is used as a motivating factor by each of the members in these teams. Now, let us take a look at these three kinds of teams. Multi-disciplinary Project Team In these teams, people from different fields of expertize collect together to complete a given task. Such tasks generally involve many functions, so often many individual teams working on one project are asked to come together as

Myocardial Oxygen Consumption (MV02)

Myocardial Oxygen Balance is determined by the ratio of oxygen supply to oxygen demand.  Increasing oxygen supply by increasing either arterial oxygen content or coronary blood flow leads to an increase in tissue oxygen levels (usually measured as the partial pressure of oxygen, pO2).  Increasing oxygen demand alone (i.e. myocardial oxygen consumption) decreases tissue oxygen levels.  Normally, when oxygen demand increases there is a proportionate increase in coronary blood flow and oxygen supply so that tissue oxygen levels are maintained during times of increased oxygen demand.  This increase in blood flow is performed by local regulatory mechanisms.  This tight coupling between oxygen demand and coronary blood flow is impaired in coronary artery disease because oxygen supply is limited by vascular stenosis. Normal Range ( 3.321 - 4.244) Levels : If the Myocardial Oxygen Consumption readings are high, can tissue hypoxia. If the Myocardial Oxygen Consumption readings are low

Team leader: be elected or selected

There was a time when a team leader was selected. In this modern world, team leaders are elected . There is a humongous change in the attitude between both the approaches. Earlier, people who used to perform the best, had a go-getter attitude and had natural leading abilities were automatically promoted as team leaders by the management. However, the team leaders nowadays aren’t selected by the management, but are elected by the members of the team themselves. Today, a person whom the rest of the team unanimously, or in majority, vote as the one they are most comfortable working under is elected the team leader. In short, the focus has shifted from individual performance to group dynamics and interpersonal skills.  The reason behind this is while a good performer as the team leader will inspire the rest of the team to also do well, the team leader himself might be too obsessed with the team performance to be worried about the team members themselves. Also, because of his go

Happiness is certainly not the following

Happiness is generally defined as the state of mind in which a living being feels pleasure and contentment. However, there is no specific definition for happiness. Happiness is a subjective concept and hence, its definition changes from individual too individual. For some, happiness is all about money. For others, it may be just listening to music. For you, it may be reading this article. Hence, everyone has a different definition of happiness. However, the state of the feeling that one experiences is the same. And hence, the ways to achieve it are more or less common. Let us now go through the common fallacies that man has with regards to the concept of happiness. Materialistic pleasure It is always good to cry sitting inside a SUV car, rather than on a cheap bicycle. However, money cannot always buy you happiness. Although money is an elixir for survival in today’s modern world, yet it can buy things but not emotions. What matters is what an individual does with the wealth h

Understanding the Myocardial Blood Requirements

Myocardial Blood Requirements; the heart is basically two pumps in one, one pump pumps blood into the lungs and the other pumps blood to the rest of the body.  The heart is made up of specialized muscle tissue, called the myocardium.  The myocardium requires oxygen and nutrients, just like any other tissue in the body.  However, the blood that passes through the heart’s chambers is only passing through on its trip through the body - this blood does not give oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium.  The myocardium receives its oxygen and nutrients from the coronary arteries, which lie on the outside of the heart.  When the heart tissue does not receive an adequate blood supply, it cannot function as well as it should.  If the myocardium’s blood supply is decreased for a length of time, a condition called ischemia may develop.  The heart’s primary function is to pump blood throughout the body, so that the body’s tissues can receive oxygen and nutrients and have waste substances taken

Who is at risk for liver cancer

Liver cancer can develop in any person but certain factors increase your risk of liver cancer. Read to know more on who is at risk for liver cancer.  Men: The risk of developing liver cancer is higher in men than in women. Age: In the developed countries such as USA, European countries and Australia liver cancer is more common in older adults whereas liver cancer is more common in younger adults in developing countries of Asia and Africa.   Family history of liver cancer: A person with a family history of liver cancer is at higher risk of developing liver cancer. The exact gene or genes which increase the risk are not yet known.  HBV or HCV Infections: Infection with hepatotropic viruses such as hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) which can cause chronic infection of the liver increases a person’s risk of developing liver cancer. Cirrhosis- Cirrhosis is a progressive and irreversible disease of the liver which has several causes. Excessive alcohol consumption i