Why we cannot sneeze with our eyes open

To discover the reason behind why we often close our eyes when we sneeze has been the core of expert's biggest mysteries but, not anymore. Sneeze is triggered by the irritation of membranes in the nose because of pollen particles. So when this particle has irritated our membrane, a signals gets sent to the brain by the trigeminal nerve, which then triggers lots of other reactions like the chest expanding, the lungs filling up with air and finally we sneezing everywhere.

According to experts, a person sneezes around 5,000 droplets of mucus as well as air at the speed of 160kph. The reasons that have been cited to cause the closing of the eyes while sneezing are;

  • Response of eyes to the reaction.
  • A reflex action just like when the leg jerks slightly at a top on the respective knee.
  • To save the eyes from getting in contact with the germ droplets.
  • Tightening of the eyes muscles as part of those muscles that tighten when there is an involuntary response.

We hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you some good idea on why you often close your eyes when you are sneezing. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.


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