We are all familiar with our friends, they can also become an intruders

Good friends are a treasure in any marriage. They can help the couple to look beyond the horizon of the immediate relationship and may meet some needs of each individual that the spouse cannot meet. However, quite often a couple feels that friends have come between them.As before, the underlying issues have to do mostly with the couple and not with the friends themselves.

1). Hurt in the marriage
Sometimes, of course, a partner may have experienced rejection and deep hurt from his spouse, for instance by being constantly criticized for weaknesses, anger or needs. So friends become the place where he can open up. In this case, the other spouse needs to work on accepting all of her partner and on developing an attitude of compassion and forgiveness when she has to rebuke him for some real sin.

2). Sharing secrets with friends
Sometimes, one partner has secret conversations with friends about issues that his spouse knows nothing about. This does not only hurt his spouse but also prevents their relationship from becoming as deep as it is intended. Sometimes this is just a bad habit that must be broken. Each partner must realize that spouses should have no serious secrets in their marriage.

3). Perfectionism
Some spouses have difficulties living with the fact that their spouse is not perfect. So they give up on him and invest in others who appear closer to perfection than he. There are two things that need to be done here. The perfectionistic spouse must learn to let go of unrealistic demands while the couple should work on making her life good enough that she can feel comfortable although life is not ideal.

We hope you found this article valuable and hope it gave you some good idea on how to deal with the specified intruder in marriage. Got any views to share? Let us know in the comments box below.


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