Understanding your Cholesterol Crystals

Cholesterol Crystals, as cholesterol builds up along the wall of an artery, it crystallizes from a liquid to a solid state and then expands.  When the cholesterol crystallizes, two things can happen.  If it’s a big pool of cholesterol, it will expand, causing the “cap’ of the deposit to tear off in the arterial wall.  Or the crystals, which are sharp needle-like structures, pole their way through the cap covering the cholesterol deposit.  The crystals then work their way into the bloodstream.  It is the presence of this material, as well as damage to an artery, that disrupts plaque and puts the body’s natural defense mechanism - clotting - into action, which can lead to dangerous, if not fatal clots.  Cholesterol in moderation is healthy and necessary for life.

Normal Range (56.749 - 67.522)

If the cholesterol crystal readings are high, it can indicate a higher risk for hypertension and stroke.
If the cholesterol crystal readings are low, it can indicate malnutrition.

Cholesterol management involves diet and exercise.  Eating foods like fruits, nuts and vegetables is a great start.  Garlic have proven to lower LDL, the bad cholesterol and increasing HDL, the good cholesterol.


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