Understanding your Blood Lipids

Blood Lipids (or blood fats) are lipids in the blood, either free or bound to other molecules.  They are mostly transported in a protein capsule, and the density of the lipids and type of protein determines the fate of the particle and its influence on metabolism.  The concentration of blood lipids depends on intake and excretion from the intestine, and uptake and secretion from cells.  Blood lipids are mainly fatty acids and cholesterol.  Hyperlipidemia is the presence of elevated or abnormal levels of lipids and /or lipoproteins in the blood, and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Normal Range (0.481 - 1.043)

If the blood lipids readings are high, it can indicate a higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
If the blood lipids readings are low, there is a link with depression, cancer and cerebral hemorrhage.

Maintaining healthy blood lipids involves the same recommendations as indicated for cholesterol and blood viscosity…diet and exercise.  Eating foods like fruits, nuts and vegetables is a great start.  Garlic supplement  have proven to lower LDL, the bad cholesterol and increasing HDL, the good cholesterol.


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