Three basic ways that most hubands and wives handle cash

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.(
1Tim. 6v10). Many relationship, friendship and the likes, has been separated while others has been broken as a result of the love of money first.  
There are three basic ways that husbands and wives handle money.
  • The first is what I termed Selfish-male way. 
  •  The second way is both-selfish. 
  • The third way is what I also termed truly Christian marriage.

  The first is what I termed Selfish-male way.
    In this case, husband concluded that, all my money belongs to me as well as the one that my wife earned. He will also went further to hide how much he earns. In other way, he keeps it as a secret because he plans to spend most of it on himself and not much on his wife and children. It's little wonder that many women are tired of the selfish-male way. They say, instead of continue begging my husband for money, I'll get a job. Then, everything I earn is mine too.

       That seems fair. But wait a second, it doesn't make the home very happy. You asked why? Because it is still selfish. More so, when wife decides to be selfish too as her husband, they have endless quarrels.

The second way is both-selfish
        In this way, the husband would say, use your money to buy food. I use my money to buy a car. And the wife also would response, no you buy the food. I bought the fridge with my money. But God, clearly tells us how to spend it better. As we have read "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ( Matt. 6v19-21). Take your to read through (1Cor.9v14, 2Tim. 6v17-19) among others. He also said, a husband must be thoughtful of his wife's needs. (1 Pet.3v7).

The third way is what I also termed, truly Christian marriage
        The idea husband would say, buy some clothes for yourself. And the wife says, you need clothes more than I do. The husband should now response that I will wait to buy clothes. Instead of spending much on ourselves, let's give as much as possible to the work of spreading Christ's kingdom. Fantastic!
      However, if your husband waste all his money on beer, clothes, cars, and the likes, my advice to you as a wife is, keep your money separate. But if you and your husband are christian, sit down together and discuss the subject of money. If you wish, invite your congregational leader to join you.

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