3 reasons to be honest at all times
Most people glance at themselves in a mirror every morning before going to work, office and even in public. Why? Because they want to look their best. In teal, there is something much more important than having a good hair cut and clothes. The person we are on our inside can either add to or subtract from our outward appearance. For example, when our heart urges us to do what is bad and we have a strong feeling to be dishonest, we do not have to be a slave to our heart's impulses. We have a choice in the matter. When we choose to reject a bad thought, we can remain honest despite the dishonest surrounding us. To be honest, we need a strong moral code. Unfortunately, many people spend more time deciding on their outward appearance than they do on thinking about a personal moral code. As a result, they justify the amount of dishonesty that will suit their situation. Rewards of honesty Peace of mind: in busi...