
Showing posts from May, 2017

5 major issues that promote intruders in marriages

Most often, intruders do not show up unexpectedly. They are a sign of some deeper issues in the marriage. They are the fruit, not the cause of the problem. For instance, extra-marital affairs in most couples don’t simply happen to a marriage that was healthy until “the other” showed up. When a marriage contains conflict, we tend to busy ourselves in other people and activities, because that is less painful than facing some seemingly unsolvable problem at home day after day. Below are some of the major issues that promote intruders in marriages.  A natural consequence of intimacy The very nature of emotional intimacy can become one of the reasons for vulnerability to outside intruders. Intimacy means that you get to know your spouse as he really is, with all his strengths and weaknesses, positive characteristics and faults, sins, and imperfections.When you discover them, you will face a new kind of challenge: you have to accept yourself and your spouse as both of you are right