The ladder of greatness (review)

There is a ladder of greatness you must climb before you get to the top. You must climb this ladder to the top with God's help. Every human being has the seed of greatness in him. But you must understand the ladder of greatness and climb its rungs step by step, from the first rung to the top.
The steps on the ladder are listed below:
  1. Seek the Lord: you cannot achieve greatness without God; He is the author of greatness. As we mentioned above, your greatness comes only from Him and nobody else. He has already planned for your greatness ever before you were born. This will help you to know His plan and purpose for your life.
  2. Set the limit: setting the limit or goal of what you want to achieve in life gives you focus and direction. It gives you a sense of purpose. So, write down your goals, draw an action plan on how to reach it, and stick to that plan.
  3. Strengthen your life: don't allow criticisms or negative comments stop you from getting to the top. Be strong-minded and courageous to ward off opposition and challenges like; disappointment, delay, distress, discouragement, Devil, and doubt.
  4. Shun laziness: the easiest way to shun laziness is to be diligent in whatever you do (Eccl.9v10). Learn from the ants (Prov.6v6-11). They are active, noble, industrious, steadfast and intelligent.
  5. Stretch the limit: this has to do with extending your goals beyond what you have previously set and achieved. Widen your expectation. This will set you a new and higher level, and make you a greater champion.
  6. Shine as light: as you climb the rungs of the ladder of greatness, you must be careful not to neglect your spiritual life. Make sure you are making a spiritual progress and your life is radiating the glory of God (Matt.5v16). Strength comes from the Lord, therefore, when you are weak and can't climb further look up to God and ask Him to strengthen you. He will grant your request and support you to the top.


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