The first night after wedding (for couple)

Nevertheless to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife (and not, wives), and let every woman have her own husband (and not, husbands). (1 Cor. 7v2). A bride and groom need knowledge about what to do on the wedding night. And they should receive that knowledge at the right time. The right kind is: about a week before the wedding not sooner. But don't young people need months to learn those things? No.

 Related: growing in intimacy.

After the wedding when a virgin bride and groom enter the bedroom, their hearts are full of joy. This is the time they have been waiting for. Before marriage they were tempted to have sex, but they said no. They obeyed God. They waited for this day. And know it has come! They will enjoy sex more because they knew, it's right for us to begin sex now_ God approves, and our family is also approved. Yet, in their minds are some questions. She wants sex with her husband; but she asked herself, will it hurt? And he wonders, if I fail to satisfy her, will she doubt that I'm a real man?

 Related: barriers to intimacy.

Therefore, his attitude should be, I will be careful not to hurt you. I won't just think of my own pleasure. I will help you to enjoy it. And her attitude should be, you must not worry if I don't reach organism tonight. I won't blame you or say there is anything wrong with you. As days and months Pass, we will live to satisfy one another. And we will enjoy the learning. If they have those attitudes, and they will feel free to talk_even telling each other what's hurts, and what is nice.
How beautiful it is when two virgins begin having sex after the wedding! sex before marriage is not beautiful. Humans cannot find true joy by breaking God's law.

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