What environment could cause on human destiny


The environment consist of all the mental, spiritual, and off course physical forces which affect and influence human beings. The most important part of one's environment is that created by his association with others. In reality, people absorb and take over, either consciously or unconsciously, the thought-habits of those with whom they associate closely. 
       The most effective of all environments is that which may be created by a friendly alliance of a group of people who will obligate themselves to assist one another in achieving the object of some definite purpose. This sort of an alliance is known as a master mind. Through its operation one may associate himself with carefully chosen individuals each of whom brings to the alliance of some knowledge, experience, education, plan or idea suited to his needs in carrying out the object of his definite purpose. What influence does personal relative has on man's destiny?
         At some point, duty to relatives makes it impossible to avoid influence of a negative environment. The reality is that, no human being owes another any degree of duty which robs him of his privilege of building his thought-habits in a positive environment. On the other hand, every human being is duty bound to himself to remove from his environment every influence which even remotely tends to develop negative thought-habits. Is it important to select one's close associate?
      Yes, one's intimate associate should be chosen with as much care as one choose the food with which he feeds his body, with the object of always of associating with people whose dominating thoughts are positive, friendly, and harmonious. Human brain was created to receive, organize, and express the power of positive thoughts. When individual fail to use the brain for these, nature would fills the vacuum by forcing the brain to act upon negative thoughts. How could people who find themselves in an environment of failures?
      They must change their environment or remain as a permanent failure. Nature in her abundance of wisdom, has given to every mental, spiritual and physical environment, but once he establishes it, he must become a part of it.

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