
Showing posts from March, 2016

5 questions after job offers.

1)What is an ordinary workday like here — in terms of working hours? I know some companies start very early and finish early, for instance. In some places everybody makes their own hours. How does it work here? You have to know if the employer you’re considering joining is the kind of place where an ordinary workday starts at eight a.m. and ends at eight p.m. You have to ask them what constitutes a workday! 3)How do you handle communication after hours and on the weekends? At one of my jobs, I stayed in pretty close touch with my boss when we had big projects brewing, so we’d text and email on the weekend. At my last job we didn’t do much of that. How does it work here? Don’t fail to ask this question and get a stuck in a situation where you have no peace because the office is always calling and texting you. That happened to our client Belinda, whose boss texted her from the ski lift line to ask her to revise a report. He also texted the note ‘I’ll call you when I

What environment could cause on human destiny

        The environment consist of all the mental, spiritual, and off course physical forces which affect and influence human beings. The most important part of one's environment is that created by his association with others. In reality, people absorb and take over, either consciously or unconsciously, the thought-habits of those with whom they associate closely.         The most effective of all environments is that which may be created by a friendly alliance of a group of people who will obligate themselves to assist one another in achieving the object of some definite purpose. This sort of an alliance is known as a master mind. Through its operation one may associate himself with carefully chosen individuals each of whom brings to the alliance of some knowledge, experience, education, plan or idea suited to his needs in carrying out the object of his definite purpose. What influence does personal relative has on man's destiny?          At some point, duty to rela

Tips for job searchers

The irony of job search advice: There’s so much available that you don’t have to spend more than four seconds Googling about before you land on some nugget of wisdom or another. Yet, at the same time, there’s so much available (some of which completely contradicts other advice you’ll find) that it can easily overwhelm you. Which, in fact, is probably the exact opposite outcome you’re looking for when you go sleuthing for genuinely useful counsel in the first place. So let’s do this: Let’s boil things down to a short list of sound, timeless job searching tips that’ll help you fine-tune your strategy so that you may sail through the process (or at least cut out some of the unnecessary time and frustration). 1. Make Yourself an Obvious Fit When you apply for a job via an online application process, it’s very likely that your resume will first be screened by an applicant tracking system and then (assuming you make this first cut) move onto human eyeballs. The first hum